David LaPoint: Supernova SN 1006 and Sloped Egress/Ingress


On this Primer Fields 2 video, at time stamp 36:30, an image from the Chandra X-Ray observatory shows the downward sloping ingress to the inner portion of the orb. Do you see the discoloration at the top?

The SN 1006 segment starts at 35:43, and 36:07 and 36:30 give some nice views.


The downward sloping portion of the ingress/egress to the hollow part of orbs are synonomous with the bowl shaped, electro-magnetic field emiters featured in David LaPoint's Primer Fields series.


Whoopsie! The link:

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David LaPoint's Primer Fields exists with Portuguese sub titles. It must be a lot of effort to put legends in the whole thing. Someone is dedicated.

But who in Brazil follows David LaPoint?
