Could there be a gold rush for buried hydrogen ??

Folks , there is a LOT of Hydrogen buried underground , so much in fact , that it can fuel our civilisation for thousands of years - no need for fossil fuels if this "clean" , non-polluting resource could be tapped .

***Also besides being a highly valuable natural resource , such Hydrogen deposits found deep underground validate the fact that the Earth's core , or inner Sun , is a Hydrogen generator (some of which converts to H2O or pristine Primary water reserves deep inside the Earth) , which as per Hollow and Expanding planet theory ultimately causes the hollow planet to expand inside outwards :-


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Yes, saw this the other day, but to be honest I wonder if there are ulterior motives. The work of Stanley Meyer is phenomenal and appears actually tenable. His work has been reproduced largely (if not entirely) by Max Miller and a couple of other fellows are working on an open sourced reimplementation of it over at

There is also a Discord group for this project. If anyone is interested let me know and I can get you an invitation, but it requires participation and vetting for entry due to some bad actors in the past.

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Thanks for sharing this , @Soretna . Yes , I also want to be a part of this other group you mentioned . Please add me in .
