Cavern Systems in the SW USA


This is a cavern system video with good info. Very relaxing, too.



@dean , this video really helps build a coherent story about the pre-history of the American Southwest .

It would be worthwhile for anthropologists to start taking the "underground origin" stories of the native tribes from there , a LOT more seriously .



On the video, right at minute/second 11:04, you will see and hear about how the US Government is using Hopi land in the four corners area, to test explosives. In other words, they are imploding the cavern worlds below because that is what the whole video is about, the fact that a tremendous cavern-world system exists in that area.

This is also explained at minute/second 12:42.

Here is the link again.

From minute/second 16:28 to 17:55, you'll see how the speaker descriribes how the indians would go to a certain point in the caverns below and have out-of-body experiences amid the benefic radiations that flow there.

How coincidental, then, that in the novel Don Quixote, mystic dreams are depicted in the Montesino Caverns in Chapters XXIII and XIV. Chapter summaries:

Remember that Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was no ordinary writer. Somehow or other, he jumped up and, after a rather unremarkable writing career, he wrote the best-selling novel of all times, Don Quixote of La Mancha.

I have the impression that men carry out such epic achievements with a helping hand behind them, there being some purpose behing such achievements, a method to the madness, so to speak.

Posted by Dean

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