Cassini Probe stared Into Saturn's Polar Abyss, and It's Creepy As Hell

Folks , if there is an abyss on Jupiter , Saturn can't be different , can it ?

[Cassini Stared Into Saturn's Polar Abyss, and It's Creepy As Hell

As Cassini’s tour of Saturn comes to a close, NASA’s getting a bit nostalgic. Yesterday, the space agency released a photo of Saturn’s North pole the doomed spacecraft took on April 26th—the day it started its Grand Finale. It’s almost poetic to have a photo of Cassini staring into the void before it perishes within it.

According to NASA, Cassini snapped the picture when it was hovering 166,000 miles (267,000 kilometers) above Saturn. The planet’s North pole is notorious for the 1,250-mile-wide storm it harbors, which Cassini has photographed many times. The hexagonal jet stream surrounding that monster cyclone creates a unique visual that’s absolutely haunting at any vantage point.

Here’s that Cassini image in full:

Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech

For context, here’s that hexagonal storm in color filters:

Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Cassini has only three orbits left in its 20-year-long journey, the next of which starts today. On its final dive on September 15th, it’ll plunge itself into Saturn’s atmosphere with its antenna pointing toward Earth, transmitting everything it can until the atmosphere overpowers it. So long and thanks for all the pics, Cassini.

I know it's emotional but I can't shake the feeling that the pole is something more than natural.

Keith , God only knows - you could be right about that ! The Tibetans do attribute some supernatural aspect to the Poles . Admiral Byrd's diary also hints at something like that...



Do you see the confinement dome in that image ?


Yes @deandddd , I think the Polar opening of Saturn validates all LaPoint's concepts of the toroidal shaped Primer Field such as the Confinement dome , choke ring and flip ring .

I am now trying to correlate these electromagnetic phenomena with the climate at the planetary surface .

**Planets like Jupiter and Saturn have magnetic fields of such extreme intensity , that their weather patterns on the surface , as also their Polar Vortexes and numerous Jet Streams (upto 20 in number) are almost certainly impacted significantly , by fluctuations in their torus shaped magnetic fields .

Also consider that fact that Magnetic pole reversal on Jupiter and Saturn are 1,000 times as frequent as on Earth (happens every few centuries) . If we look at the parent Sun , it occurs every 11 years ! Such a high frequency of magnetic Pole reversal in gas giant planets proves that their inner Sun has a very active role to play in such extreme phenomena .

Take for example the fixed time interval reversing of the equatorial jet stream on Jupiter - now how does one explain that bizarre feat , using mainstream theory ???

Also , the term "gas giant" itself maybe a misnomer to describe such planets - electric plasma clearly plays a dominant & dynamic role in such planets , so maybe we should call them "Plasma giant" planets...hmm some food for thought ! Even stars are more like balls of electrical plasma , than balls of gas .

It is high time textbooks corrected their descriptions of celestial objects .



Your words give me that peaceful, easy feeling inside.

But the textbooks are not about to accept the plasma sun, primer field that LaPoint stipulates; nor change their presentation. Unfortunately.


@deandddd , you're right - this is NOT going to be an easy debate for Hollow Earthers to win any time soon . However , we can take heart from what NASA itself is saying on their own website , that our universe is 99.9% plasma , only the remaining 0.1% being matter . Small , rocky planets like Earth being the exception , not the norm :-

"99.9 percent of the Universe is made up of plasma," says Dr. Dennis Gallagher, a plasma physicist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. "Very little material in space is made of rock like the Earth."

Plasma, Plasma, Everywhere

Space Science News home A new model of the plasmasphere
surrounding our world

Sept. 7, 1999: As photographed from space, the Earth looks like it is floating in a black void. But, unseen by our eyes and most cameras, the Earth is actually surrounded by a complex system of interacting electric and magnetic fields, electric currents and charged particles called the magnetosphere.

Right : If a camera didn't compensate for the bright sunlight in space, stars would be seen in the background and the Earth would appear as a bright white orb. Because distant stars aren't as bright as the Earth, a low photo exposure results in a black background.

The magnetosphere provides a barrier between our planet and particles continually given off by the Sun's corona called the "solar wind." These particles constitute a plasma - a mixture of electrons (negatively charged) and ions (atoms that have lost electrons, resulting in a positive electric charge).

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P lasma is not a gas, liquid, or solid - it is the fourth state of matter. Plasma often behaves like a gas, except that it conducts electricity and is affected by magnetic fields. On an astronomical scale, plasma is common. The Sun is composed of plasma, fire is plasma, fluorescent and neon lights contain plasma.

"99.9 percent of the Universe is made up of plasma," says Dr. Dennis Gallagher, a plasma physicist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. "Very little material in space is made of rock like the Earth."

Artist's concept of the shape of the magnetosphere

The plasma of the magnetosphere has many different levels of temperature and concentration. The coldest magnetospheric plasma is most often found in the plasmasphere, a donut-shaped region surrounding the Earth's middle. But plasma from the plasmasphere can be detected throughout the magnetosphere because it gets blown around by electric and magnetic forces.

Left : Artist's concept of the magnetosphere. The rounded, bullet-like shape represents the bow shock as the magnetosphere confronts solar winds. The area represented in gray, between the magnetosphere and the bow shock, is called the magnetopause. The Earth's magnetosphere extends about 10 Earth radii toward the Sun and perhaps similar distances outward on the flanks The magnetotail is thought to extend as far as 1,000 Earth radii away from the Sun.

Gallagher has developed a general model to describe the density of the plasma surrounding the Earth. His paper, "Global Core Plasma Model," will be published in the Journal of Geophysical Research . "Core plasma" refers to the low-energy plasma (zero to 100 electron volts) that makes up the plasmasphere.

The plasmasphere extends out to as little as 2 to 3 Earth radii and, under quiet conditions on the

click for an animation showing the shape of the magnetosphere

evening side, perhaps more than 6 Earth radii. (Because conditions in space constantly vary and regions never have exact boundaries, plasma physicists measure the plasmasphere relative to the size of Earth: 4,000 miles [6,400 km] is about one Earth radius.) The extent of the plasmasphere depends on space weather activity. High levels of activity erode the plasmasphere; long periods of quiet allow the plasmasphere to expand.

Right : Click the image for a 3D simulation of the magnetosphere's shape. The Sun is off screen to the left. The animation begins showing the Earth, which recedes as the shape and size of the magnetosphere comes into view. The solar wind deforms the magnetosphere into its characteristic shape. Where the magnetosphere and the solar wind meet is the "bow shock," represented in the animation by a faint, translucent bullet shape. Credit: Digital Radiance

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Rockets, satellites and the space shuttle have flown in parts of the core plasma neighborhood. By taking various measurements of this region, scientists have gradually come to understand the basic nature of the entire plasmasphere.

"We've been flying in plasma for over 40 years and have slowly gained a statistical picture of what things are like, such as the density and proportion of oxygen, hydrogen, and helium," says Gallagher.

B ut our understanding of the plasmasphere is not complete. For one thing, all the various measurements have resulted in many independent models of specific plasma regions. By combining previous work, Gallagher's model attempts to describe, mathematically, a general, complete image of the plasmasphere.

[![EVU prime1.GIF|75x75]( prime1.GIF?itok=Ubft8k2q "EVU prime1.GIF")]( prime1.GIF)

Left : Animation of the Earth's plasmasphere as it would appear in extreme ultraviolet light (30.4 nm wavelength). This simulates the view from the IMAGE satellite due to launch in February 2000. To watch a QuickTime movie of this animation,

click here (6.5MB file)


"This model begins to paint a picture, but it's something of a Frankenstein's monster," says Gallagher, referring to how his model is pieced together from several different, dissimilar models. "A significant issue is how you smooth the stitches."

Gallagher's model combines the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model for low altitudes with higher altitude models. The part of our atmosphere that contains plasma - the ionosphere - is generally 90 to 1,000 km (54-620 mi.) above the ground.

Web Links
Space Plasma Physics - research on plasma at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.
Earth's Solar Environment - International Space Physics Educational Consortium.
Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere - overview of NASA research on the Earth's environment in space.

The shorter wavelengths of sunlight, ranging from the ultraviolet to X-rays, ionize the Earth's upper atmosphere by tearing electrons off atoms. The ions and electrons do not readily recombine in the ionosphere because particle collisions are infrequent in the rarified atmosphere. Ionospheric densities range from a peak of about 1 million particles/cm3 down to many thousands of particles/cm3. The densities continue to fall as you move to higher altitudes.

From the equator to the middle latitudes of Earth, the ionosphere joins smoothly with the plasmasphere. Beyond the outer boundary of the plasmasphere, the densities of plasma in the magnetosphere can fall as low as 0.01 particles/cm3.

"The plasma environment around the Earth is a natural extension of Earth's atmosphere, ionized by the Sun," says Gallagher. "Any planet that has an atmosphere is going to have energy from the Sun imparted to the atoms. The consequences are that lighter elements escape. But Earth's magnetic field traps much of this escaping gas. A planet like Mars that has, at best, a weak magnetic field, also has a very thin atmosphere. Some researchers have speculated that the Earth's magnetic field may pla


y a role in slowing the loss of our atmosphere into space."

Right : Artist's concept of the interaction between the magnetosphere and the Sun. The Earth's magnetic field provides a barrier to the solar wind.

O ur atmosphere provides pressure, proper temperature, and oxygen - fundamental requirements for life on Earth. Without the atmosphere, one side of our planet would freeze while the other would broil under intense solar radiation.

Gallagher's model may contribute to our understanding of how the Earth's plasma affects our quality of life. Radio waves and power lines are affected by the presence of plasma, as are satellites and the Space Shuttle. Plasma can cause an electric charge to accumulate on one part of a spacecraft but not another, sometimes resulting in an electric arc, or discharge. These electric arcs can disrupt or destroy sensitive electronic components.

Gallagher will be able to refine his model with data from the IMAGE satellite, due to launch in February 2000. IMAGE will give us a better picture of the Earth's magnetosphere, and because plasma is bound to magnetic fields, IMAGE should also improve our understanding of how the plasmasphere and the magnetosphere interact.

More web links

Space Weather Camera Set for Launch in 2000 - Feb. 16, 1999

Imager for Magnetopause-to-Auroral Global Exploration (IMAGE) - satellite facts and objectives.

Space Physics Textbook - University of Oulu Space Research Group.

More Space Science Headlines - NASA research on the web

NASA's Office of Space Science press releases and other news related to NASA and astrophysics


Adding further to my previous mails , here's the catch 22 situation for mainstream science :

They hold a gravity centric view of the Universe of which only just 0.1% is in the regular matter state - the remaining 99.9% being in the electrical plasma state .

So , which theory is likely to give a more accurate understanding of our cosmos - a gravity centric view or an Electrical plasma oriented view ? My bet any day , is on the electrical plasma view of the Universe !


Spooky thread on the theories related to the "black cube" with Saturn at the forefront.

@Keith , it is spooky indeed...what gives me goosebumps is to know that ancient civilisations were aware of "Saturn's Mega Hex" , i.e. the mysterious Hexagon at Saturn's North Pole - even though they "apparently" did not have any spacecraft or telescopes .

The six pointed star symbol has been used to depict Saturn for thousands of years...there are Corporate Logos , of many major global companies , including that of Intel , that have powerful black cube symbology .

There is also one major world religion in which worhshippers circumambulate a giant black cube...

There is a strong occult belief that our Earth was originally a moon of Saturn that migrated away and evolved into an independent planet .

Some have even tried to link Saturn to Satan , though I personally feel , that's going overboard !

**Then , if we are to believe David Icke's conspiracy theories of the "Saturn-Moon Matrix" of our PERCEIVED reality , then this rabbit hole becomes like a bottomless pit :))


In Hinduism there is an belief that Saturn is the somewhat "wayward" son of the Sun .

For this current age of Kalyug (Iron Age or Black Age) that began in 3,102 B.C. , Saturn is supposed to be the governing or presiding deity - simply put he is the BOSS of this age , so some Hindus worship Saturn or Shani (his Sanskrit name) , every Saturday .

Another peculiar aspect of those religions (knowingly OR unknowingly) following Saturn's cult of the black cube - while it rewards it's worshippers with OIL and mineral wealth , but also creates LOT of turmoil , unrest and churn in society....hmmm - food for thought ???

As for Astrology , Saturn plays a huge role across cultures , since time immemorial .


Can you explain the confinement dome, choke ring, and flip ring?

Hi @thewaxter , before I get to your query , I wanted to first highlight how the number 6 has always been associated with Saturn :-

Occult Significance Of The Number 6

Bodhi Mantra July 31, 2018

I often see people trying to figure out the significance of the cube in occult studies and its relationship with Saturn, so I decided to write a quick article to demonstrate the importance of the number 6 and what it means in relation to Saturn and the cube.

The number 6 is the building block of this entire reality. In organic chemistry the number 6 is the design of a perfect structure and maximum stability. To demonstrate this let’s look at the building block of life, Carbon. As you can see below the design of the carbon element is a hexagon.

What is the hardest, most stable known substance in nature? The diamond, pure interlaced carbon connected at all nodes; below is a diagram. What is the atomic number of Carbon? It has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.

Just a quick tidbit to add, what is the difference between graphite, a pretty soft and malleable substance and a diamond made of the exact same element, which is pure carbon? Hmmm, I don’t know, can you figure it out? Looks like another occult symbol of some significance.

You may be saying ok, this is not a cube this is a hexagon , and if so you would be correct. So what changes a hexagon into a cube? The number 6, of course. Add 6 lines to the hexagon and it becomes a cube. Making 6 sides, 6 lines and 6 triangles.

Let’s take a look at the Black Sun badge, as perhaps it will make it easier to visualize. Do you think the Order Of The Black Sun obtained the arcanum? You bet they did; they were right about everything as we now know. I could go full autismo about the symbolism on this badge and what it means, but I will save that for another article I will write soon.

What do 6 lines represent in a graph? 3 Dimensions of course, the x, y and z axis (with polarity – and +, makes 6, in this reality everything is polarized). In algebra the number 2 in an exponent is called a square. What is a 3 dimensional square? A cube, and what is the number 3 called in an exponent? You guessed it, a cube.

When we turn a hexagon into a cube, what do we end up with? 6 sides, 6 lines and 6 triangles (aka pyramids), the perfect structure, straight out of the architect’s own kitchen, G-d’s perfection. Here the figure is again to illustrate this.

Where do we see this perfection in the World around us? Everywhere.

Who do we know that has tried to co-opt this symbol, albeit slightly disguised (to the uninitiated)?

So why is the hexagram “Star Of David” (aka merkaba in 3 dimensions) such an important occult symbol?

We have 666 outside and 666 inside, ok, so what does this mean? This geometric figure is a fractal and can be drawn this way infinitely; a hexagon inside of hexagram that in turn holds a hexagram with a hexagon for infinity, infinite 6’s. Does the below image remind you of something you have already seen? A birds eye view of the cut diamond above perhaps?

You are probably wondering what the image of Tesla I shared previously has to do with anything. What is so special about the numbers 3, 6, 9? Well, in this matrix we call reality, the numbers 258 and 714 are variables we can affect within the matrix and what the Bible refers to as free will. But 3, 6, and 9, well those are G-d’s numbers; those ARE the matrix and we can’t change those, they are the boundaries of the matrix we operate in, or in computer science terms, what we refer to as the framework. The below video will illustrate this for you. (Bonus points for anyone that can spot the square, compass and all seeing eye)

<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span>

Speaking of the Bible, you think the writers knew what they were talking about?

(4+3+2=9, 2+1+6=9, 6+6+6=18 [1+8=9])

Ok, ok so what does all of this have to do with Saturn? Why is Saturday the 6th day of the week? You tell me (It was actually the 7th day at one time, but this has been changed). The week used to begin on Sunday. In the Bible it says on the 7th day G-d rested, an interesting little switch up was done here. I’m sure there is an equally interesting story to go with it for anyone that wants to go digging)

Here we have the magic square of Saturn and its sigil.

In the sigil what do we see? What first catches my eye is that I see the square and compass.

But what is inside of the square and compass? That would be a diamond if I’m not mistaken. Guess what diamond equals in gematria? The masonic 33, which of course reduces to 6.

Now where have we heard an obsession with this number? I cannot take credit for the below research in quotes, other than the numerology on the date, but want to thank whoever did for bringing it to my attention.

I know the below image doesn’t have to do with the number 6 but it’s a nice little added bonus.

To wrap things up lets let’s do a little numerology with 6. What is 3+6? 9 of course, and what is the sum of 3 6’s? 18 (1+8=9). What is 6 times 3? 18 (1+8=9). No matter what you multiply by the number 3 it always reduces to 3, 6 or 9 and no matter what you multiply by the number 6 it always reduces to 3, 6 or 9, and no matter how you combine 3 and 6 together it always reduces to 9, and no matter how you multiply 9 it always reduces to itself. The number 666 contains all three values, 3 6’s that equals 9 added or multiplied. So no, goyim, 666 is not the Devil, it is 3 dimensions of perfection straight from the creator. One last thing, the Giza pyramids are made of Limestone also known as Calcium Carbonate, the molecular structure is shown below. CC in gematria equals the masonic number 33, 33 which once again reduces to 6, coincidence? Don’t bet on it. Wanna find out what the gematria is on “cube”?

In the Bible when it describes creation, it states that “G-d said let there be light”, in the beginning was the word, the logos, a frequency and when the all father spoke he did not speak words, he spoke …. numbers. Now here is a bit of a tangent, though an interesting addition and certainly relevant. You can say philosophically that the swastika is the “mouth” of the creator so to speak, the dynamo, what he uses to “speak” these numbers to create this reality, which he does in the Fibonacci sequence (Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2). Symbolically the swastika can be considered to be both the creator and the creation. The below video illustrates this nicely (disclaimer: one slight error in the video is that it mentions nuclear fission when stars are in fact electrical transformers not nuclear furnaces, look into the Electric Universe/Thunderbolts project, Eric Dollard, Tesla and a great YT channel Theoria Apophasis for more information on this and don’t trust anyone telling you the Electric Universe model is pseudo-science it is not a “theory” it is proven science in a lab and Tesla IS NEVER WRONG .

Yes on electric universe. Im reading electric sky right now, and he blows away current astronomy "knowledge." Im with you on significance of numbers, to a point. I think numerologists get carried away. Example being 432 squared being speed of light. Did they use miles back when the Bible was written? So, i still have my original question, and now i want more info on the Black Sun. Id like to talk to you about WWII as well. Im sure you know what i want to know.

@thewaxter , thanks for your interest in this "Arcanum" !

Well , I won't be able to respond to all the points in one post , so I will make my best attempt to address all of the topics raised one by this post , let me address the number 432 , which is 4 times 108 . Now both 108 and 432 are cosmic numbers , held very sacred in Hinduism in Buddhism :-

According to the Surya Siddhanta , an ancient Indian astronomical work, the sunlight moves at a speed of 2,202 yojanas in 0.5 nimisha . One yojana is nine miles. 2,202 yojanas amount to 19,818 miles. One nimisha is equal to 16/75 of a second. Half a nimisha amounts to 8/75 of a second, which is 0.106666 seconds. A speed of 19,818 miles in 0.10666 seconds equals 185,793 miles per second. This is approximately in line with the modern calculations, according to which the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second. Modern science has arrived at this number with great difficulty and all kinds of instruments, while a few thousand years ago, they got this number by simple observation of how the human system and the solar system function together.

The distances between the Sun and the Earth, the distances between the Moon and the Earth, the way the planet rotates and the impact it has – all these things have been looked at with great care. The diameter of the Sun multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Sun and Earth, and the diameter of the Moon multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Earth and Moon. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. That is why we have 108 beads in a mala.


Yugas or Ages

The number 432 is perhaps best known in relation to Hindu ideas of cycles of time. The Kali Yuga is said to last 432,000 years, being part of the Great Cycle which it's self lasts 4,320,000 years.

Joseph Campbell explains in The Inner Reaches of Outer Space that there are 540 doors of Othin/Wotan's warrior hall. On the "Day of the Wolf," 800 warriors will pass through these doors. 540x800=432,000. Another Great Cycle, that of the precession of the equinox which lasts 25,920 years, is also connected to 432 because 432x60=25,920. Each of the 12 Ages of this particular cylce last 2,160 years which connects 432 to 216, as does the fact that 216x2=432. The years of the patriarchs in The Bible's Genesis from Adam to the Flood of Noah, covering the lives of 10 very aged patriarchs, lasts 1,656 years, or 86,400 seven-day weeks (about: 1,656x(365.24/7)=86,405.35). 86,400 divided by two equals 43,200. This brings up a connection to the number 86 (and 68), in that 432 could be seen as 43x2, or 86. A similarity between the 10 Judeo-Chrstian patriarchs and the 10 ancient kings of Mesopotamia arises in the timespan which these kings ruled, that is: between the rise of the city of Kish and the Flood, a period of 432,000 years.

Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval in The Message of the Sphinx point out that "the relationship, in a scale of 1 : 43,200, that exists between the dimensions of the Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth. Setting aside for the moment the question of whether we are dealing with coincidence here, it is a simple fact, verifiable on any pocket calculator, that if you take the monument's original height (481.3949 feet) and multiply it by 43,200 you get a quotient of 3938.685 miles. This is an underestimate by just 11 miles of the true figure for the polar radius of the earth (3949 miles) worked out by the best modern methods. Likewise, if you take the monument's perimeter at the base (3023.16 feet) and multiply this figure by 43,200 then you get 24,734.94 miles - a result that is within 170 miles of the true equatorial circumference of the earth (24,902 miles). Moreover, although 170 miles sounds quite a lot, it amounts, in relation to the earth's total circumference, to a minus-error of only three quarters of a single per cent."

The Number 432 Edit

Yogic schools teach that all living beings exhale and inhale 21,600 times a day. 21,600x2=43,200.

There are 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour period, 43,200 seconds for each 12 hour period of day and night.

The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles (2 x 432). The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles (432 / 2).

The orbit of Jupiter takes about 4332.59 days, or about 12 years.

A computer program found that the optimal number of dimples on a golf ball is 432.

The Significance of 108 – Why Is It So Important?

In this excerpt from the Mahabharat program that Sadhguru conducted in 2012, Sadhguru looks at the nature of time and explains how the sages of Bharat had a phenomenal understanding of this most fundamental aspect of creation.

The Significance of 108 – Why Is It So Important?


Dec 29, 2014

In this excerpt from the Mahabharat program that Sadhguru conducted in 2012, Sadhguru looks at the nature of time and explains how the sages of Bharat had a phenomenal understanding of this most fundamental aspect of creation. He looks at the significance of 108, and why it turns up in many places such as the number of beads in rudraksha malas. He looks at how 108 is important not just for the human being but also on the scale of the Earth and Solar System.

ఆధ్యాత్మికతలో 108 అనే సంఖ్య ప్రాధాన్యత ఏమిటి?

Sadhguru: From the infiniteness of pre-creation arose three possibilities of creation. Through the limitless space, it chose to find expression in the form of time, energy, and gravity. These three fundamentals trapped this timeless, limitless space into a time-bound, limited creation. Of these three, time – the relentless time – elates and bludgeons, nurtures and gnashes, rises and falls. Time gives respite to no one. A worm or a bird, the hunted or the hunter, the ruled or the ruler, the slave or the emperor, beautiful bodies and wondrous palaces, prime of fame and angst of shame – everything goes back to nothingness, to dust and ashes.

Time is always on

Kala , time, is one factor that is relentlessly on. Either you ride this time and live a beautiful life, or you get bludgeoned by this relentless wheel of time. Either one is destroyed by the process of time, or one is delivered by the process of time. Either one is entrapped by the process of time, or one uses time to transcend and liberate oneself. Time is the most significant dimension of creation – not just a human concept, as most people believe. If there was no time, there would be no beginning and no end. If there was no beginning and no end, there would be no creation.

It is in time that we exist. It is in time that we were born. It is in time that we will die. If one understands the significance of time, the laws of time, the dharma of time and is in tune with the dharma of time, one is not just a jaya – one is a vijaya . One makes it here and one makes it elsewhere. Conversely, one who is not in tune with the dharma of time will get crushed and crumbled by the process of life. Life is just a play of time. Understanding this, the ancient sages, seers, and yogis of this region looked at time with enormous attention. Our idea of time is essentially based on the way we are connected with the immediate creation around us – the planet and the solar system.

The significance of 108

According to the Surya Siddhanta , an ancient Indian astronomical work, the sunlight moves at a speed of 2,202 yojanas in 0.5 nimisha . One yojana is nine miles. 2,202 yojanas amount to 19,818 miles. One nimisha is equal to 16/75 of a second. Half a nimisha amounts to 8/75 of a second, which is 0.106666 seconds. A speed of 19,818 miles in 0.10666 seconds equals 185,793 miles per second. This is approximately in line with the modern calculations, according to which the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second. Modern science has arrived at this number with great difficulty and all kinds of instruments, while a few thousand years ago, they got this number by simple observation of how the human system and the solar system function together.

The distances between the Sun and the Earth, the distances between the Moon and the Earth, the way the planet rotates and the impact it has – all these things have been looked at with great care. The diameter of the Sun multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Sun and Earth, and the diameter of the Moon multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Earth and Moon. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. That is why we have 108 beads in a mala.

I could go on with all kinds of fabulous figures, but the most important thing is the deep connection between the making of time and the making of the human body. You know, the planet is approximately round and it has a slightly tilted orbit. As it travels, as it spins, it forms a circle. Today we know it takes 25,920 years to complete this cycle. This tilt mainly happens because of the gravitational pull of the moon over the earth. And that many years are called one cycle of yugas[1] . Each of these cycles has eight yugas.

Earth and man

Back to one cycle of axial procession – 25,920 divided by 60 (which is also the number of heart beats per minute if you are healthy) – comes to 432. Four hundred thirty two is a number that comes up in various cultures – the Norse culture, the ancient Jewish culture, the Egyptian culture, the Mesopotamian culture, and very much in the Indian culture here. Why 432? If you are in good health and in good condition, your heart beats about 60 times per minute, which is 3600 per hour, and 3600 x 24 equals 86,400 heartbeats per day. If you divide 864 by 2, again you have 432.

Only if you are riding the time, you will live an extraordinary life, which is what a human being and the human brain are designed for.

If you are healthy, you take about 15 breaths per minute. If you have done lots of sadhana, it could be only 12. 15 breaths per minute means 900 breaths per hour and 21,600 per day. 216 multiplied by 2 becomes 432 again. If you take the circumference of the earth – there is something called a nautical mile which is the real mile in the sense that it has something to do with the way the planet is. The other units of measurement were created for ease of calculation.

You know there are 360° in a circle. Likewise, there are 360° upon the planet, and each degree is divided into 60 minutes. One of these minutes accounts for one nautical mile. That means the circumference of the earth at the equator is 21,600 nautical miles – that is also how many breaths you take per day. That means the planet is spinning on time and you are doing well. If the planet was not spinning on time, it would be no good at all for us. If you are not in tune with it, it is also no good for you.

This is to show you time is not a concept that we invented – time is deep-rooted in the system, in the very way we are made. When we go into Mahabharat, there is so much talk about the yugas and how they function. I want you to look at the impact of time in human life from a different context. This is not something that someone thought up – this is a phenomenal and profound science. Yoga has always been deeply involved with this. It is just that we don’t believe in propounding theories about it. By practice, we try to attune the body to the times and spaces of creation, because without being in tune with them, you do not get very far. If you are not riding the time, you will live a mediocre life – probably a suffering life. Only if you are riding the time, you will live an extraordinary life, which is what a human being and the human brain are designed for.

The numbers in brief:

There are 2202 yojanas in 0.5 nimisha.
1 yojana = 9 miles
1 nimisha = seconds
2202 yojana in 0.5 nimisha = 2202 x 9 miles in 0.5 x (16/75) seconds
= 19,818 miles in 0.10666 seconds
= 185,793 miles/second

[1]There are 4 yugas: Kali, Dwapara, Treta and Krita yuga. Each of these occurs twice per 25920-year cycle.

Yugas, the significance of 108, and many more mystical aspects are the subject of the DVD “Yugas – The Tides of Time”. Purchase and download the video at Isha Downloads.

Yugas – The Tides of Time

@thewaxter , now in this post I will attempt to address the somewhat controversial topic of the Black Sun . This also has linkages to Sacred Geometry .

One of the most ancient conceptions of God is as an Architect . The Rig Veda defines as "Vishwakarma" , The Western Occult , Esoteric literature defines as "Grand Architect of the Universe or GAOTU" , even in the Islamic system , mosques always depict "Allah" only through geometric symbols & the Jewish Kabbala have their 3 dimensional Tetragrammaton as a depiction of God , which Hindus depict in 2 dimensions as the "Sri Yantra" .

Before I get into the topic of Black Sun though , let me qualify this post with the following statement :-

"Knowledge or the pursuit of knowledge is not evil , what one does with that knowledge defines good or bad ."

Now just like the Swastika , the Black Sun is a very ancient and so called "pagan" symbol . The Swastika symbol has been used by man at least since 10,000 B.C. (if not earlier) .

The Swastika symbol was "rotated in the opposite direction" in the Nazi depiction of it , which is very unfortunate , as it not only gave a very bad name to a very pure , very auspicious Vedic symbol , but also brought ill effects on all concerned . That explains the extraordinary importance given by the ancients to using cosmic symbols in the right manner , without any distortion .

**Now specific to the Black Sun and it's connection to Nazis in WW II...well , the commonly known name of the SS division was 'Schutzstaffel" , but it's original version was "Shwarze Sonne" or the Black Sun in the German language . The symbol itself is called "Sonnenrad" , which mean Sun Wheel in German .

In today's times , the mysterious new Denver International Airport (DIA) , has a Black Sun symbol prominently displayed on the floor of the Terminal building , along with few other "Neo Nazi" symbols and apocalyptic murals , that can give any passenger the creeps !

Saturn was our Former Sun and the God of Genesis - Earth may have originated as a moon of Saturn . Indeed , Titan - one of Saturn's moons is astonishingly similar to Earth

According to the Old Testament the Hebrew god Elohim created the heavens and earth which was formerly formless and void. This is the same idea in many other creation accounts. The Chinese Tao Teh Ching says Before heaven and earth formed there was a thing confusedly formed. Silent and void it stood alone – It did not change but went round and round without weary. This chaotic motion is a widespread motif and has as it’s origin the nebular cloud of Saturn.

Let there be light is also a common theme. Those exact words are in the Popul Vuh of the Mayas. Two other examples are Brahma floating on the celestial sea who “showed himself” by the shedding of light and Saturnus in the primeval ocean organizing his cosmos out of chaos.

The Bible also says that the Spirit (Wind) of Elohim was moving over the face of the deep.The Hebrew word Tehom is translated as the deep. Which means a surging mass of water. The idea of celestial waters is universal. The Egyptian god Ra (Saturn) created the watery abyss.

The Yuma myth of creation states that: This is how it all began. There was only water. Then out of the waters arose a mist. There was no sun no moon no stars just darkness. But deep down in the waters lived Kokmaht (All Father) The Creator. He was bodiless, breathless, motionless. The waters stirred and rushed and thundered.

The Inca Creator god Kon Tiki Viracocha translates as The Foam of the Sea and lived in the high heavens.

Saturn was a faintly shining sub brown dwarf star enshrouded in darkness hovering above the Earth. As quoted in Genesis – Darkness was on the face of the deep (agitated waters). And Elohim (Saturn) divided the light from the darkness.

The Chaos was the circumstellar disk surrounding Saturn with a fluffy, foggy or swirling foam appearance. The Spirit of the Lord or Wind was the revolving motion of these heavenly waters circling around the ancient brown dwarf star that was formerly Saturn who was the original Sun or Creator King of the ancient peoples. The Maya explicitly say it was not our current sun which showed himself and ruled in the beginning of time.

What transpired was in former times Saturn shone feebly under a mass of clouds (like a Chinese lantern) and flared up (Let there be light). This went down as Day One in creation accounts. The chaos of the watery abyss was transformed into a ring which evolved into the present series of rings around Saturn. A jet (sustained plasma discharge) emanated from it’s polar region and became known in myth as the tree of life with coiling serpents or sacred mountain (Mt. Zion) or leg. The Hebrew Saturn god Jehovah is pictured in ancient coins standing on one leg.

Vishnu reclined on the coils of a serpent asleep on the cosmic ocean before the manifestation of the world.

The idea of pre existing cosmic waters is ubiquitous around the world. This includes the Biblical account of creation where the spirit of god was moving upon the face of the waters before creation. Before the shedding of light. The face of the waters was Saturn’s formless, swirling and chaotic circumstellar disk that was barely visible in the primordial darkness.

The shedding of light was the flare-up of Saturn.

The Romans celebrated Saturnalia. They symbolically reenacted the reign of Saturn (Saturnia Regna) who presided over the lost Golden Age. Saturday is Saturn’s day (Saturnus Dei) and it is the day of rest. The Hebrew Sabbath, Celtic Sathairn, and Saxon Sater Daeg are more examples of cultures honoring Saturn.

This epoch was a time of abundance. Animals and humans thrived living care free and happy lives. We got all our nutritional needs from fruits. There was no need to hurt another being and we shared a close relationship with other species.

Saturn – the Great God of Beginnings – eventually receded to remote parts of the sky as the new sun usurped his power.

The Semetic God Elohim – the plural of El or Elos equivalent to the Greek Helios and the Latin Saturnus – worshipped by fanatical and not so fanatical followers around the world is the planet Saturn which was in remote times a Brown dwarf star!

The God of Genesis is a Personified Planet

In the very first chapter of Genesis it is stated:
In the beginning Elohim created shemayim and eretz. And eretz was tohu wa bohu and darkness was on the surface of the tehom. And the rauch of Elohim moved upon the face of mayim.
Shemayim means the Heavens or more specifically the Dwelling Place of God.
Eretz usually translated as Earth means land but originally meant Land of the Gods. This celestial area was right under the Heavenly Throne.
Tohu wa bohu traditionally translated as without form or void also means Utter Chaos. This would be in keeping with the same Chaos referred to in other creation accounts. Such as the Phoenician’s Dark Chaos. The Greek Ovid stated that before Creation there was Chaos. The Latin Creator God Janus means Chaos.
The Hebrew term Tehom which is translated as Abyss or the Deep in Genesis means a surging mass of water. This is what the Rauch of Elohim was moving on prior to creation. Only in this verse is Rauch translated as Spirit but it means Wind and is translated as Wind in the rest of the Old Testament.
The Sumerian God Enlil as well as other Saturnian gods are associated with wind. Enlil means Lord of the Violent Wind. The Rauch (Wind) of Elohim is the same as the Sanctus Spiritus which impregnated the Virgin Mother (Venus) personified as Mary. It is also the Greek God Boreas which translates as The North Wind. This Wind caused the separation of the waters above from the waters below. The Wind was a sustained emanation of plasma from Saturn. It took the form of a sky pillar, a tower such as the Tower of Babel, a single leg (Yahweh was pictured on ancient coins with one leg) or his phallus.
It was a stream of light poured out by the Creator. It became the illuminated support of the sky which Mars gods such as Ajax upheld. It was a fiery, whirling ray from above. It was looked upon as a ladder (Jacob’s Ladder), mountain (Mt. Zion), tree (the Tree of Life), rope or backbone.
The Rauch of Saturn can be likened to a rotating vortex or celestial tornado. When Venus agitated this plasma stream the scene was depicted as a witch stirring her cauldron. When Mars agitated it, the spectacle was seen as Paul Bunyon and his Blue Ox wandering around in the North taking out vast swaths of forest.
Saturn Gods all over the world including Elohim are associated with water or what looked like water but was actually a circumstellar disk.
Elohim, Eloah or El is equivalent to the Greek Kronos and were used interchangeably in extra Biblical sources. El was also the name of the Most High God in various Canaanite pantheons.
El has also common traits with the Babylonian Ea called Shar Apsi – King of the Watery Abyss. In the Rig Veda, Varuna is Lord of the Waters. In the Koran Allah is Throned above the Waters. The name Allah and its’ correspondence with Eloah is quite evident.
In North America there is hardly a native tribe which does not have a primeval ocean that existed before their God commenced on his work of creation.
When Saturn flared up it produced a tumultuous sound. The Word of God. Time began and it was Day 1. Kronos (Saturn) literally means Time. No time existed before Saturn’s flare-up because there was no variations in the sky. The Earth Plane was enshrouded in the Primordial Darkness with a feeble light emanating from Saturn through it’s dense surroundings. This was the Primordial Purple Glow.
Religion and myth began because people the world over were fixated on the sky watching the same momentous occurrences trying to make sense of it all in human terms.
And finally Mayim means the (celestial) waters.
So the verse reads: In the beginning Saturn created his dwelling place in heaven (the visible sky where Saturn was positioned) and the Land of the Gods (area of planets and moons beneath). This Land (City) of the Gods was utter chaos and darkness was on the surface of Saturn’s circumstellar cloud (described as a surging mass of waters). And the Wind of Saturn (a whirling beam of light or stellar ray) moved upon the face of this disk (celestial waters).
In Psalms, Yahweh (Saturn) is to be praised by the waters above that are in the heavens. By the time of Isiah the waters were no longer visible. Isiah asks Yahweh Art thou not the one that dried up the sea – the waters of the great Tehom?
Saturn with it’s Circumstellar disk and plasma jet dominated the Northern sky. It was our original sun, best sun and true sun. Due to it’s close proximity it was much bigger than the present day sun or full moon.
It’s nova like flare-up is the reason behind the verse in Genesis Let There Be Light.
Maybe Saturn had previous flare-ups which are responsible for the geological ages. Flare-ups would cause floods, hurricanes and fires.
Maybe the bombardment of charged particles is the way DNA gets changed. It would then be responsible for different hominids, races, species and variations within species.
Saturn was the Resting God encircled by His Enclosure on top of The Mountain of His Holiness.
He was the bright and glorious God that remained steadfast in the northern realms.
Saturn was beautiful in elevation. The joy of the whole Earth.

Esoteric Meaning Of The Black Sun

The Black Sun is an esoteric symbol dating far back into antiquity, petroglyphs have been found in the Americas of this ancient symbol as well as artifacts discovered in 3000 year old graves of Nordic women such as the Zierscheiben pictured below. Since the masses are not taught true history or the true origins of most things this symbol is now mainly known for its placement in the floor at Wewelsburg Castle by the SS of the German Reich and the casual researcher won’t look much further than this unfortunately.

It is an esoteric concept rather than an actual object and like all esoteric symbols it represents knowledge, the more knowledge you have the more of the symbols secrets you unlock and the amount of knowledge needed to understand esoteric symbols can border on staggering for the uninitiated at times since the knowledge and science they represent is not taught outside of esoteric circles for a reason, in fact in almost every instance what people have been taught is the exact opposite of the truth. I have compiled a number of videos and made some myself I will provide throughout the article after a brief introduction of some of the concepts this symbol represents.

At its core I suppose you could say this symbol represents polarity as this is one of the main precepts behind all esoteric symbols. A good place to start learning about this topic is a book called the Kybalion. In this reality everything has an esoteric and exoteric level of understanding. All esoteric symbols originate from astrology, math and sacred geometry, which are all one thing in the end, all philosophical meanings come after this based on interpretation and understanding of these things and how they create the reality our consciousness inhabits. In short one can say esoteric symbols represent Dharma, which is defined as the cosmic order. These symbols have presentations and interpretations in the physical realm and also in the spiritual realm, one in the seen and also in the unseen. The yin and yang represents this basic tenant nicely, but like all esoteric symbols and concepts the yin and yang has numerous other meanings as well I will expand on in the future.

I have read a few articles in the past about different people’s interpretation of this symbol, some decent and some not so much. Symbols are used as esoteric concepts because the amount of knowledge they represent is not easily explainable to the laymen. Anyone that tries to tell you what an esoteric symbol means without going into at least an hour long explanation of all its different meanings based on context ie time period, who is using it and how does not understand its true meaning, they simply know a single aspect of its meaning that they most likely learned from someone else that does not truly understand its meaning.

A good way to think of esoteric symbols is to imagine them as the same concept of putting PHD or Esquire in the title of someone’s name. By doing this it signifies that this person is very educated in a particular field of knowledge, with esquire that subject would be the law, with PHD the field of study is often given along with it. These symbols represent knowledge of how this reality is designed and works on countless levels because the design of this reality is fractal in nature, microcosms of macrocosms for infinity. I know this will be difficult for people new to occult material to grasp at first so I will try and give some of the more important aspects of the knowledge this symbol represents.

The Black Sun were a secret society comprised of the leadership of the German Reich just prior to and during WWII, they were the anti-Illuminati if you will. I have heard them referred to as the Illuminazi in the past that I thought was rather clever and humorous. I have lightly touched on the Illuminati here but haven’t really gotten into detail of all the players yet because as I explained in previous articles on this topic it is quite complex and convoluted as to who all the players are. For now let’s just say there has been a fiction about human history and how this reality works that originally began in Babylon but for now let’s stick with Rome since their handy work can be considered to be the most prevalent aspect of perpetuating the largest aspect of this fiction by burning down the Library of Alexandria and reseting history to be what they wanted it to be in their conquered territories or what we refer to as the western world today. By creating the fiction of the historical figure of Christ, which actually means anointed one and is an ancient term and concept I cover in the What Is Christ Consciousness article. The Catholic Church was able to effectively re-write the entire history of humanity as it saw fit starting time and our collective memory in the western world based on the life of this fictional character ala BC, AD etc. This character was based largely on the chronicles of the life of Krishna from the Hindu Vedas. Of course this isn’t the only source the Bible was plagiarized from, much of it was also taken from the Egyptian Book Of The Dead as well as a number of Sumerian myths such as the Epic of Gilgamesh among others. I don’t want to wander too far off of topic for now however, I will go into more detail on these topics in the future.

For now let’s make it simple by saying the so-called Illuminati consists largely of the Church that started the fiction and system of debt slavery (this isn’t exactly 100% true as this system is far older but it is too lengthy to explain further so for our purposes here we can make this claim for the current world corporate system) and often times actual physical slavery throughout its long and sordid past, and the organizations and people that have come to capitalize on these systems and lies to use them to their own advantage such as the Jesuits, Free Masons and a considerably large faction of Zionist Jews. Of course this is a bit of a misnomer because many of these so called Jews are not Jews at all since Judaism is a religion not a race, contrary to some opinions. The original Israelites were Caucasoid Aryans commonly referred to as Scythians while the Jews were a slightly darker skinned Aryan race known as the Phoenicians as this video by anthropologist Robert Sepehr will help illustrate along with numerous other videos in my archive to trace the etymology and lineage of the ancient Aryans back to pre-flood Atlantis just as the Vedas have always contended.

This gets incredibly technical and only people that have studied all of this in depth for years in most instances will understand these references and terminology. Even then there are some areas where it is open to slightly differing interpretations as there are some slight gaps where people have to take their best guess based on the evidence. I will write a massive article in the near future explaining to the best of my ability how this all fits together but for those that are curious enough that they want to study all the sources I have gathered for themselves I have linked to my video archive a few times already where I have collected the best sources you will find anywhere on these topics that have been personally vetted by me after years of research. I suggest looking through everything here at the site on the Aryans if you want to understand the fine details. I have material by names such as Immanuel Velikovsky, Phillip Lindsay, Graham Hancock, Robert Sepehr, David Childress, Anatoly Fomenko, Michael Tellinger, Michael Cremo and Henry Makow among numerous other researchers. Again, this is such a vast and tangled topic much of it falls outside of the scope of this article, but I will link a couple videos about the Scythians the pre-Egyptian Aryans of the East that explains some of this in a little more detail and I will cover all of this here on the site eventually and have likely covered a lot of it already by the time you are reading this.

Back to the Order of The Black Sun for now. WWII was basically the American Revolution 2.0. The Germans were starting to wake up to this fiction perpetrated by Rome, and the Jews plot to genocide and enslave Europe under communism via the Kalergi Plan and United Nations (now under the guise of UN Agenda 21), among many other esoteric truths we won’t go into just yet but will be covered in other videos I will link later. The Black Sun along with Thule and the Vril society were the organizations that rose up to fight back to correct the timeline, corruption, injustice and history adopting the Aryan swastika of their Vedic ancestors once again as opposed to the Roman cross that adorned the flags of most European nations. These are some of the main aspects of what was known as the Völkisch movement, they were finding their lost history, heritage and roots.

They were way ahead of the curve however by about a century so the rest of us are only just starting to catch up to as to what they discovered. I will cover all of this in detail in future articles to help people navigate all of the massive amounts of propaganda and disinfo designed to confuse them, for now I suggest starting with the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told and this video I myself made from a number of videos of friends of my old YT channel Impartial Truth and one who moved to ugetube because of censorship Trimurti Vishnu who do great work on this topic and are good folks and allies to those searching for the truth about WWII.

Now that we have a general idea of who all of the players are and a general outline of the circumstances surrounding the founding of this organization let’s decode what this symbol’s esoteric concept is. Let’s start with the first fundamental base concept which is that the yellow sun is the sun of the material realm while the black sun is the sun of the spiritual realm. The sun behind the sun as Miguel Serrano put it. The yellow sun exerts energy into the material world which it is constructed out of while the black sun is the opposing or negative pole, where the vortex = 0 recycling this energy. Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense quite yet, this video I made will help for now I think. This symbol also represents Saturn as the video I just linked will illustrate why and how. As we can see there is a ring around the center dot, this symbol is called the circumpunct and represents the sun in astrology. You may be wondering how this symbol represents Saturn and the Sun. Well, Saturn used to be our Sun in our distant past at the time of the ancient Aryans as recorded in the Vedas who were pale blue giants. I suggest reading my article on the Holofractal Universe where I go to into great detail explaining how all the science works to produce this race of giants that had different color skin than the modern human races. This gets very complex so I will just link this video by the guys at the Thunderbolts Project to help get you started and also suggest you visit the channel Sun Of Saturn at YouTube for background on the mythology.

If this material is new to you it will likely take you quite some time to watch and understand the videos I have linked here already and I suggest getting a good grasp on the material before trying to understand the rest of this article especially in regards to the meaning of Saturn because I often see people that have no understanding of Saturn or astrology in general completely derailing any possibility of understanding they may have been able to obtain by coming at all of this from an angle of ignorance and misconceptions. They often say it is Satan and evil etc. Of course this is superstitious nonsense and based on ignorance and if you ask them to elaborate as to how a planet is some fallen angel, horned figure with bat wings and cloven hooves they of course can’t and will likely call you a shill, such as the profane do which should be no surprise to anyone reading this. Like all ignorance they are simply repeating someone else’s ignorance in their own ignorance. That isn’t to say they are completely wrong in what they have said however, just wrong in their interpretation of what these things mean. In Hebrew the word Satan means adversary, with this in mind is Saturn “Satan”, or an adversary? Well in terms of polarity yes, it is an adversary of the Sun. Earth is 3 planets away from the Sun and three planets away from Saturn so these two forces are a dynamo for this planet so to speak. Their electromagnetic forces are the most influential on our planet because of this alignment. Everything in nature needs balance, the forces of this reality are always at work to create this balance which is why everything is symmetrical, this is yet another of the esoteric meanings of the yin and yang symbol, balance.

Visualize a good knife or sword, or any weapon or piece of sports equipment for that matter. What is the number one aspect that makes it useful as opposed to cumbersome? Balance. Every weight needs a counter weight or it creates big problems in its functionality. Think of your car tires when they are not properly balanced and how badly it effects the way it rides. Try to imagine the kind of chaos the Earth would experience with the huge electromagnetic influence on it being exerted by the Sun without a counter balance force. Of course this would never happen because the creator, or what the Masons aptly refer to as the Grand Architect, does everything perfectly and does not make mistakes. This is a very apt description of the creator, the Grand Architect. In the movie Jurassic Park there is a scene in the opening of the movie where the archaeologist tells the lawyer “ Grant’s like me . He’s a digger “. I commonly think of this line when pondering the nature of the creator. The creator is an engineer and architect, these are its prime responsibilities and duties and to truly understand the creator you also need to understand how the creator constructs this reality by thinking in these same terms, engineering and architecture. To get a basic idea of this concept you should read my previous article on the number 6 and even this article on the esoteric meaning of Skull And Bones, I think they will help in illustrating the importance of numbers, what they mean and how the creator uses them to construct this reality. Using this esoteric concept you can interpret the Black Sun as a symbol of balance and the perfection of the creator. I will go ahead and embed the video I made I mentioned a moment ago because I think it further illustrates this concept of perfection and balance not only in the Saturnian aspect but also the number of Sig runes used (12) and how it relates to the astrological table.

Speaking of the Sig runes, they are obviously representations of lighting bolts, why did the SS use two lightning bolts as their emblem and use them in the Black Sun symbol as well? The exoteric name of the SS was the Schutzstaffel, but as I explained earlier everything in this reality has an exoteric and esoteric meaning. This was not the true meaning of the SS the esoteric meaning was Schwarze Sonne which of course means Black Sun or even Sohns von Saturn meaning Sons of Saturn. What exactly does Son Of Saturn even mean however? I will get into this in a future article I will write soon, it opens a whole other can of worms that is far to expansive of a topic to go into at the moment. You can probably even figure it out on your own if you try, I have been waiting a long time for someone to decode the meaning of my pseudonym “title” and don’t want to make it too easy. Instead let’s continue on this line of thought about the runes. We have the sig runes that are lighting bolts which are a very important esoteric concept itself, think of Thor and Zeus, the Universe is electric in nature. This esoteric knowledge was also reflected by the German Reich in their use of the term Blitzkrieg which meant lighting war.

Another esoteric concept of this Black Sun symbol with the circumpunct center, is inner and outer Earth, and the origins of the vril which is the German term for Chi, Qi, Prana, etc. written about in the book The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This is the life force all things in this reality derive from and what our soul truly is, the aether force, conscious light, electricity radiating from the Sun, energy radiating from the core.

This pattern is also representative of the structure of the atom, which in turn means it can also represent the solar system the microcosm and the macrocosm, as above so below.

It can also represent the structure of the eye, which is obviously a very esoteric symbol itself, as in the all seeing eye of providence featured on the back of the dollar bill and countless other representations of this concept by all ancient cultures and the Free Masons.

Yet another very important meaning attached to the Black Sun is the knowledge of eclipses, referred to as Rahu in Vedic terms and Itzpapalotl to the Aztecs. We just recently had an important eclipse occur on August 21, 2017 in fact, one that has not occurred since 1776. What else happened in 1776? The founding of the United States for one but also the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati. The next time this kind of eclipse will occur is 7 years from now, in the Bible in the Book Of Revelation it states that tribulations will last 7 years. Interesting right? Let’s examine the numbers of all of this in a bit more detail.

  • 923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
  • The Bavarian Illuminati was founded in 1776
  • The United States founded in 1776
  • 1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry, there is a video by Mark Passio on YouTube that can explain how for those interested
  • The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
  • 9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
  • The next one is 7 years away
  • Tribulations in the Book of Revelation last 7 years
  • The Book Of Revelation was written by people that obviously had the arcanum
  • The Pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
  • Israel was purchased in 1917 under the Balfour agreement then populated using the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
  • The Mayan calendar ended in 2012
  • There was a pole shift in 2012

I know this is a lot to take in and understand but once again this falls outside of the scope of this particular article and no single source will be able to explain it to you, you will have to do years of research to be able to understand all of this although I did try to make it as easy I could with this website and my video archive, it is up to you to do the work however like any other knowledge worth acquiring. There is much more to the numerology than this, I suggest watching a 5 part video series called the Pyramid Code that will give some insight into these precise calculations and their implications. Repeating numbers, the Fibonacci sequence, magnetism, electricity, astrology, sacred geometry, vortex mathematics, as above so below, these things are all connected in the matrix and this symbol represents knowledge of this fact commonly referred to as the arcanum in esoteric circles.

Esoteric symbols have infinite meanings because they repeat everywhere in this fractal reality changing in scale all originating from the source expressed in sacred geometry. Let’s take a look at the most abstract representation of this symbol we can imagine, a bird’s eye view of the torus whose energy explodes and will be expressed in 12’s just as the number of sig runes represent and the below image should hopefully demonstrate. The torus is the governing dynamic of this entire reality so it is the source of all esoteric symbols, all shapes in general for that matter. While we’re on the subject I may as well add in the fact that one would not be incorrect in claiming this symbol represents free energy or even anti-gravity, both of which have been available since at least the time of Atlantis if not earlier, I will cover this later when I get to the root races of humanity.

Generally people that are looking for a simple explanation of what an esoteric symbol means have no capacity to understand its meaning and if told will not understand it because it represents an extensive amount of knowledge they likely do not possess. It is akin to some rando from the humanities department wandering into an engineering class at a University and seeing a math equation representing the exothermic reaction of a thermic lance on a chalkboard. It will just look like a bunch hieroglyphs to them and until they understand the actual science those symbols represent you aren’t going to be able to explain it to them in a way they will be able to comprehend.

You can’t really be told what this symbol means you can only gain the knowledge needed to experience it so you can recognize it everywhere in the world around you. You should be able to stare at the symbol and then close your eyes and see with your minds eyes the infinite number of things in this reality the Black Sun represents. It is inside of you, outside of you, in a bird, in a flower, above you and below you, it is the heartbeat of the creator, the source of the zero point magnetic flux which creates this reality that comes from outside of the cube matrix. This concept is even mentioned in the Christian Gnostic gospels in the Gospel of Thomas where it is written:

Jesus said: Split wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, you will find me there. If your leaders say to you ‘Look! The Kingdom is in the heavens!” Then the birds will be there before you are. If they say that the Kingdom is in the sea, then the fish will be there before you are. Rather, the Kingdom is within you and it is outside of you

This video should help you get started with these visualization exercises for those interested in finding the lost Kingdom of Heaven, find yourself and there you will find the divine. Namasteto a fellow writer on the symbolism of the Black Sun I enjoyed.

Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories about the Denver International Airport (DIA) often involve the admittedly creepy art that exists throughout the terminals. Due to a few unexplainable structures within the airport, the DIA has been the subject of conspiracy theories and speculation since its construction in the early 1990s. Most of the theories have to do with a series of murals, but every piece of art that decorates or has decorated the DIA is believed to be a deep well of symbolism. Many theorists believe that the artwork at the airport references a nefarious plan for a New World Order takeover, while some of the other pieces seem to hint at a dark history.

Whether or not travelers or Denver locals subscribe to the theories that abound about the airport, there is no denying the inherent darkness apparently surrounding each piece of suspicious artwork. Every mural, statue, and floor inlay is considerably creepier than your run-of-the-mill airport art. At the very least, you may have to wonder: What does the art in the Denver International Airport mean?

The Freemason Capstone Was Funded By 'The New World Airport Commission'

Photo: Devon Hollahan/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

The Denver International Airport is rife with Freemasonry symbols. The Masonic capstone in the Jeppesen Terminal is shrouded in conspiracy. First of all, it is engraved with the famous square and compass symbol of Freemasonry and mentions two of the main lodges in Colorado. Also, when the date of the dedication is added together (1+9+1+9+9+4 ) it equals 33, a particularly significant number to Freemasons.

The stone is also dedicated to the "The New World Airport Commission," which theorists suggest is a reference to the Nazi group that called themselves the "New World Order." The Freemasons explain that "The New World Airport Commission" is actually the name of a group of businesses who wanted to create a "new, world-class" airport. Even skeptics note, however, that there is no other evidence a group called "The New World Airport Commission" ever existed.

The Blue Mustang Is Said To Be Cursed

The Blue Mustang Is Said To Be... is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Photo: Mike Sinko/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

The Blue Mustang statue looming outside the Denver International Airport attracts plenty of attention - and not all of it is good. During its construction, a piece of the statue's head fell on its creator, Luis Jimémenez, and ended him. This bad omen has led many conspiracy theorists to believe that the mustang is cursed, also landing it the unfortunate nickname "Blucifer."

Conspiracy theorist William Tapley believes that the statue also holds deep phallic symbolism, and that the mustang, in general, is "very masculine." Both that imagery and its ominous connections have led some people to speculate that Blucifer will eventually bring about the apocalypse by transporting one of the four horsemen to Earth.

A Statue Of Anubis, The God Of Death, Stands At The Airport's Entrance

Photo: Melissa Gutierrez/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

The last thing anyone wants to see upon entering an airport is a statue of the Egyptian god of death, Anubis. But when the King Tut exhibit passed through the Denver Art Museum in 2010, so did a statue of a man with the head of a jackal.

Residents noted the symbolism of Anubis and they weren't happy. Millie Lieberman spoke to the Denver Post, saying: "The black on it represents the decaying body. To me it's a very sick and poor representation of what we're all about here in Denver." While the symbolism Lieberman is alluding to is partially correct, the skin of Anubis also represents the fertile soil of Nile.

The Suitcase Gargoyle Might Be A Fallen Angel Or Demon

The Suitcase Gargoyle Might Be... is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Photo: Eric Golub/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

In one section of the airport there's a statue of a gargoyle coming out of a suitcase. It's a cheeky nod to the tradition of gargoyles being used to scare away evil spirits, but some theorists believe there's something evil in the symbolism. Blogger L.A. Marzulli believes the statue is actually a demon or a fallen angel that's glaring over travelers near the baggage carousel:

It is an open suitcase but the contents are not clothes! It is a winged creature with horns and a tail! Is it a depiction of a fallen angel? Has it been hiding in some unfortunate man or woman's suitcase? A bigger question for me is what is this "art" doing at the Denver airport?

'In Peace And Harmony With Nature' Might Reference The End Of The World

'In Peace And Harmony With Nat is listed (or ranked) 5 on the list Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Photo: Bryan Alexander/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

One of the airport's murals, In Peace and Harmony with Nature, contains a dense collection of symbolism that reflects anything but peace and harmony. The first part of the mural shows a group of children around a group of extinct plants and animals as a fire rages behind them, engulfing a forest and a city. The city on fire has been retouched multiple times over the years, and its strange color recalls a chemical strike. If you look closely, one of the children is holding a Mayan tablet, a possible reference to the end of the world.

The mural's artist, Leo Tanguma, says his piece represents the destruction of the environment and later the unification of humanity.

'Children Of The World Dream Of Peace' Might Symbolize The Loss Of National Identity

'Children Of The World Dream O is listed (or ranked) 6 on the list Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Photo: Bryan Alexander/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

Children of the World Dream of Peace is a two-part mural depicting the children "celebrating peace prevailing over war." The mural features children from across the world dressed in traditional folk costumes wrapping weapons in flags.

According to conspiracy theorists, this part of the mural represents people giving up their national identities in an attempt to create peace and liberation. In fact, some of the faces in the painting are actual children from Denver who perished due to gang conflict while the mural was being commissioned.

The Murals Also Depict A Malicious Soldier

The Murals Also Depict A Malic is listed (or ranked) 7 on the list Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Photo: Mark Frauenfelder/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 2.0

While the first half of Children of the World Dream of Peace depicts a group of children from across the world joining together, the second half reveals a militaristic display of a figure dressed in a uniform that recalls the SS, using a massive scimitar to stab a dove. The soldier is surrounded by a group of parents crying for their deceased children and the rubble of a toppled building.

The Vigilant Citizen points out that the scimitar is an official symbol of the Freemasons.

The Black Sun In The Great Hall Resembles Art Symbolizing The New World Order

The Black Sun In The Great Hal is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Photo: Dbenbenn assumed/Wikimedia Commons/CC-BY-SA-3.0

A lesser known piece of symbolism in the DIA is an inlay in the Great Hall, an open space on level five. The floor features a series of concentric circles, each with a large black dot in the center. It's believed they represent the "black sun" or "sonnenrad."

No one knows exactly where this symbol comes from, but many in the Third Reich used it as a personal rune to represent triumph and the unity of their New World Order.

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A Dedication To Colorado's Gold Mining Past Hints At A Sinister Parallel

A Dedication To Colorado's Gol is listed (or ranked) 9 on the list Supposed Hidden Messages In Denver Airport Artwork, According To Conspiracy Theories

Photo: Eric Johnson/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0

One floor inlay at the Denver Airport shows the periodic symbols for gold and silver, Au and Ag, in a mining cart. On the surface, this appears to be a nod to Colorado's rich gold rush history. However, many conspiracy theorists believe this piece of art is far more nefarious.

The Au-Ag symbols can also stand for the Austrian Antigen, a strain of the hepatitis B virus supposedly discovered by one of the airport's sponsors, although the connection between the researcher and the airport has not been proven. Theorists believe it is possible the symbol is meant to warn members of the New World Order that a dangerous strain of the virus will be released to reduce Earth's population.

The Runways Resemble A Swastika

Photo: United States Geological Survey/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

It has not gone unnoticed that the DIA's runways are shaped like a swastika. The symbol has a long history that predates its most infamous connections to one of the darkest periods in the world's history. Conspiracy theorists still believe, however, that the swastika in the runways is intended to symbolize the coming of the New World Order.

It might be important to note that aviation experts suggest the DIA's runway design is actually one of the most efficient for multi-runway airports.


Well , today being another Saturday , my mind was dwelling on Saturn again :))

In 1969 , when NASA had to select a name for their rocket that would take man to the moon , they chose "Saturn" ! Was this a random coincidence ? I don't think so , given NASA's tendency to use esoteric symbolism...hmm some food for thought !

On a different note , the history of our Solar system may have been quite different than what we have's quite likely that only the gas giants are true planets , the small rocky ones like Earth , are simply moons of the gas giants , that over time migrated into independent orbits around the Sun . The gas giants are known to spawn many moons , Saturn presently having as many as 62 , some of whom are comparable in size to the inner rocky "planets" or "planetoids" of our Solar system.


Folks , here is a fascinating podcast about the esoteric secrets of Saturn :-