Folks , now here is some mind blowing stuff . These ancient caves in the Eastern state of Bihar , India - are FAR TOO PERFECT for what one might expect from caves , apparently carved out from granite 2,300 years ago , or wait a minute , is that their true age - or are they thousands of years older ??
**I am talking here about MIRROR polish of granite rock , almost level with the smooth surface of GLASS (!!) There are wild speculations going around that human beings simply couldn't have built complex structures with such INCREDIBLE PRECISION .
**The chambers insides these caves are designed basis of Sacred Geometry and have bizarre acoustic properties , which can focus sound in a RESONANT manner at precisely 34.4 Hz ! There are a total of 7 caves separated by intervening spaces , but one gets the feeling that all 7 caves were built as part of one MASTER BLUEPRINT , for a specific purpose , which is not so easy to decipher...hmm !
***This ancient site is just 24 Km from the old town of Gaya , where none other than the BUDDHA himself had attained enlightenment !
The first video below is of 54 minutes , but to really understand how absolutely unique these caves (of unknown antiquity) are , please watch the full 2 hour documentary - which showcases sophisticated acoustic experiments conducted inside these caves :-
List members , just in case some of you have watched the documentary on these caves , or a part of it , here are the knock-out aspects of these mind bending caves :-
- Inner walls at a precise angle of 87.1 degrees , NOT 90 degrees , NOT 87 degrees , but precisely 87.1 degrees ? Why ?? For what purpose ???? One conjecture is , that these were specially designed acoustic chambers for advanced level of meditation by ancient sages and mystics .
- Mirror polish of granite almost to the smoothness of glass , a translucent layer of granite on the surface indicates , the granite of the surface layer was "MELTED" !! to get that level of smoothness .
- There are 7 caves in total , partially above ground and partially underground , yet all 7 caves themselves seem to align , as per some MASTER BLUEPRINT...!
**In the documentary , some of the world's best stonemasons and stonecutters from London and Paris , who use 21st century equipment , were asked about the quality of work in the Barabar caves...many of them rated it as 12 on 10 :)) . When asked if they could replicate these enigmatic structures in GRANITE , with all the perfect angles and COMPLEX geometric specifications , they simply said "No , it cannot be replicated."
***Therefore , if humans could not have built such PERFECT caves , then it becomes a "logical" possibility that aliens could have been the ones to construct them ?? Hmm...some food for thought !
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Thanks @SilverMoon , here's yet another great video on this topic that briefly summarises the whole context and does justice to the ENORMITY of this unsolved ancient mystery .
**Nothing similar has YET been found in any other part of the world . This is not to say that similar caves may not have been carved in other places , but this happens to be the first such find in this "rarest of rare" category :-
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I do think that humans could build those perfect caves all those thousands of years ago. Just because we aren't smart enough or skilled enough to do it now doesn't mean earlier humans couldn't.
Because we think we are the pinnacle of creation, we have incredible pride and haughtiness when it comes to ancient people - people we know nothing about. It's possible that if we were compared to them, we would be the ones who come out as not knowing very much.
Yes , @SilverMoon . You have a point - this could have been the work of an earlier civilisation , built by an "elder" race of humans !
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It was either a book I read or a documentary I saw that pointed out that the ancient people in India didn't have a written language - except for certain business records, I think, and they were few - so the consensus of archeologists is or was that the ancient people were uncultured, not nearly as advanced as the race that came in later and conquered India, because to archeologists, advanced society = lots of written records. The truth is most likely that the present indigenous Indian people who have lived there for thousands of years, lived there for 10,000 years or more, and had a very advanced society (based on some of the structures discovered).