Folks , the jury is still out on this video : real or fake - what do you think ?
Folks , the jury is still out on this video : real or fake - what do you think ?
For sure real. I know someone who encountered one. It chased his dog through the house. Very trustworthy friend.
Thanks @Soretna , if you also found any authentic video of ball lightning , please do share .
As I recall he explained it as nearly basketball in size. He lived on rather tall hill (as I recall it was the highest within quite the area). He found out about it entering his house because it was "chasing" his dog through the house. It passed through walls as I recall.
Are these the balls of light that the WWII bombers over Germany used to encounter?
@Soretna , @deandddd , the so called "Foo fighters" of WW II could have been ball lightning , or could also have been UFOs...I guess the jury is still out on that one...hmm !
Ah yes, the Foo fighters, that's what they were called.
I do not believe ball lightning and Foo Fighters are the same thing.