Ancient Secrets Hidden In The Piyang Caves – Near The Sacred Mount Of Kailash

Folks , the Piyang caves of Western Tibet - near India's border , hold the key to some unbelievable mysteries...

Ancient Secrets Hidden In The Piyang Caves – Near The Sacred Mount Of Kailash – Mysterious sacred caves in Tibet keep many secrets about the past and present and they are often inaccessible to ordinary tourists.

Among them, there are Piyang caves, one of the most important caves of Tibet, situated in the western part of plateau in a close vicinity of the sacred Mount of Kailash.

“At Piyang there are “over 1,100 caves of varying shapes and sizes, some are clearly habitation sites, while others are probably meditation caves, and still others have ritual architecture within them,” according to the American archaeologist, Mark Aldenderfer, Professor at the University of California who has worked on the world’s three high plateaus—Ethiopia, the Andes, and Tibet.

Piyang caves map

Excavating the caves in the restricted area of Piyang in cooperation with Chinese archaeologists, Aldenderfer made comments on archaeology in China, saying that “excavation is often little more than the attempt to demonstrate the veracity of documentary sources.

When conflicts arise between the sources, archaeology tends to be ignored.”

Piyang caves TIbet

“Because knowledge of ancient Tibetan Buddhism is so scant,” Mark Aldenderfer said, “I felt fortunate to collaborate with Huo Wei and Li Yongxian, archaeologists from the department of history at Sichuan Union University in Chengdu, in excavations at Piyang, an important Buddhist temple in western Tibet built late in the tenth century A.D.

“To my knowledge, it is the first such collaboration between Chinese and Western archaeologists in Tibet.”

Piyang caves are not the only place for exploration in Tibet. Many other similar cave complexes are scattered across the mysterious plateau. Some are created by nature, others are of artificial origin but definitely all of them – are very old.

Piyang caves Tibet

Humans inhabited the Tibetan Plateau at least 21,000 years ago, so there must be plenty of very old artifacts and ancient relics hidden in the Tibetan caves, tunnels, dark subterranean passages and other mysterious areas, of which many have not even been localized.

Piyang caves Tibet

Some of Piyang can be still considered as places of habitation, while others are possibly used ritually or serve as meditation places governed by gods and spirits.

Piyang caves and their beautiful paintings.

Piyang caves and their beautiful paintings.

Many temples have been built in their vicinity and the whole region is sacred. There are prehistoric castle walls, murals, sculptures, pagodas and Buddhist niches covered with priceless paintings.

piyang caves
But no one knows where all ancient scriptures, historical paper scrolls and prehistoric books are really hidden. The region Piyang, covering an area of 10,000 square meters, is extremely difficult to explore.

Piyang Caves

Piyang Caves. Photo Credits: Matthew Herschmann

piyang caves

See also:

According to Mark Aldenderfer, “we are only beginning to understand the true importance of caves in Tibet’s sacred geography. To make useful comparisons to cave use in other regions of the world will require much more research into their multiple roles…”

piyang caves

At the same time, it requires much effort and trouble to conduct any research in the area being considered as sacred.

Once many caves were pilgrimage destinations (!) but today the prehistoric Donggar and Piyang caves remain closed to the public.

The Piyang caves are still full of secrets….


There is a traditional belief among some Tibetans , that the access to the Hollow Earth city of Shambhala itself , is through these mysterious Piyang Caves , which have been used for meditation , over thousands of years , by ascetics , sages and hermits .


Here is another article about this topic , which has a stunning , surreal image of these weird caves . Every time I look at these bizarre caves , I feel they are the portals to Shambhala/Shangrila itself :-


featured image

has around 1100 years history and the murals in the cave are possibly the oldest in Ngari region. The oldest temple at Dungkar is attributed to Princess Lhei Metok, daughter of King Yeshe-O in the 10 th century, but the building that is most prominent nowadays is Tashi Choling. Tashi Choling was built for Tsongkapa’s student Ngawang Drakpa in the 15 th century. Piyang is around 3Km from Dungkar at the far end of the valley. The oldest building in Piyang was the Karsak Lhakhang, attributed to King Yeshe-O. Both Dungkar and Piyang have extremely gorgeous paintings.


Some even more compelling images :-

Dungkar & Piyang

It’s about 60km from Zanda to Dungkar, located north from Toling at the small village of Dungkar and about 3 km away from Dungkar to Piyang. Dungkar and Piyang are famous for the wall painting and meditation caves, records shows there were more than 4,000 caves in the valley that was once inhabited. Nowadays, there are about 2000 caves remained at the Dungkar and Piyang. Actually seldom of tourist knows about this remote place, so if you are a fans of ancient relic, you may find Dungkar and Piyang are nice place to explore.

Climbing up to the Piyang Cave Temples

Caves and wall painting in Dungkar and Piyang are possibly the oldest caves and paintings in Ngari Region, which was discovered in the early 1990s.

Dungkar Meditation Caves

It’s said that three of the older caves temples, which may possibly contain the earliest murals in far west Tibet, the best preserved is the mandala cave with nine large painted mandalas. More interesting is the style similarity of the paintings with those in Dunhuang where lies in the eastern edge of the Silk Road in China. A couple of kilometers north from Dungka, at the foot of the valley are the numerous ruins of Piyang. thousands of meditate caves can be found in that area, at the same time, there were thousands of mediators, rare mediators appear nowadays, and ruined monastery trails also are good spots in this area. The oldest building was the Karsak Lhakhang, owned to King Yeshe-o.

Mandala Paintings on the wall inside the cave temple.

Getting to there, you need a introduction letter to the keeps from the Cultural Affsirs Bureau in Zanda first. As the rare of people know this area and in bad road condition, so it’s better to leave a full day to explore the caves.

Dungkar Caves from distance


Folks , here are a couple of good research articles on Mount Kailash , which is held sacred in Asia . As per Hindu & Buddhist scripture , the numerous caves surrounding this mountain were used even by some of the ancient Vedic sages , for their meditation . Tibetans have long believed that a secret access to Shambhala lies concealed , somewhere around this highly mysterious Mount Kailash :-

When a Russian doctor tried to crack the mystery of the abode of Lord Shiva


Feb 24 2017

Ajay Kamalakaran

Mount Kailash is sacred for Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Source: Ondřej Žváček/wikipedia

Dr Ernst Muldashev, a Russian ophthalmologist based in Ufa, came up with a theory that Mount Kailash in Tibet is actually an ancient manmade pyramid that is surrounded by smaller pyramids and is linked to pyramids in Giza and Teotihuacan.

Standing at 6718 metres above sea level, Mount Kailash in Tibet is considered sacred by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Hindus believe that Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil, sits in perpetual meditation on the mountain. Tibetan Buddhists believe that the Buddha Demchok, who represents supreme bliss, lives on the mountain.

No human has managed to scale Mount Kailash. There have been many legends of people dying in the attempt to climb the mountain. The Chinese authorities, knowing the religious sensitivity of the matter, have officially banned alpinists from attempting a climb.

Russians, like Indians, have been fascinated with the mountain for a long time. Nicholas Roerich wrote about Mount Kailash and one of his most famous paintings portrays the path to the mountain.

There are several legends about Russian climbers in the 19th and early 20th centuries trying to scale the mountain and vanishing. A Siberian mountaineer once told me about a group of climbers who climbed beyond a particular point and suddenly aged by a few decades. According to his story, they died of old age a year later!

Roerich believed in the existence of a mystical kingdom called Shambala in the vicinity of Mount Kailash. Some Hindu sects refer to Shambala as Kapapa, and believe that perfect people reside there.

In 1999, Russian ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev decided to go on an expedition to Tibet to try and discover the secrets of Mount Kailash. His team comprised of experts in geology, physics and history.

The team met several Tibetan lamas and spent several months around the foot of the sacred mountain.

Manmade pyramid?

Muldashev’s team came to the conclusion that Mount Kailash is actually a massive man-made pyramid that was built in ancient times. He claimed that it was surrounded by many smaller pyramids and could be the centre of all paranormal activities.

Dr Ernst Muldashev. Source: Mikhail Fomichev/TASS

“In the silence of the night, there often were strange gasping sounds in the belly of the mountain,” Muldashev, author of ‘Where Do We Come From?,’ wrote in an academic paper. “One night both my colleagues and I distinctly heard the noise of a falling stone that undoubtedly came from the interior (of the mountain).” He suggested that some beings lived inside the pyramid.

“In Tibetan texts it is written that Shambhala is a spiritual country that is located in the north-west of Kailash,” Mulsashev wrote. “It is hard for me to discuss this topic from a scientific point of view. But I can quite positively say that Kailash complex is directly related to life on Earth, and when we did a schematic map of the ‘City of the Gods,’ consisting of pyramids and stone mirrors, we were very surprised – the scheme was similar to the spatial structure of DNA molecules.”

Mohan Bhatt, a Sanskrit scholar based in Mumbai, says the Ramayana also refers to the sacred mountain as a pyramid. There are also references to the moutain in the vedas he adds. “The ancient texts refer to the mountain as a cosmic axis,” he says.

Muldashev believes that the pyramids were built by ancient and advanced people who knew about the laws of subtle energy. He wrote that the mountain is the most important part of a system of ancient monumental structures and is directly connected with the main pyramids of the earth such as the pyramids of Giza and Teotihuacan.

Onwards to the Past, a Russian-English bilingual website explores this theory in great details.

The Chinese authorities were quick to dimiss Muldashev’s claims.

A year after his expedition to Tibet, Muldashev claimed to have successfully transplanted a human eye into a blind woman using a harvested cornea and retina combined with an alloplant is an experimental, chemically processed biomaterial primarily made from deceased human flesh. These claims have also been dismissed by doctors in the UK.

Muldashev, who was born in 1948, runs the Alloplant Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center in Ufa.


As an agnostic person who has no clue about the mysteries of the universe, I don’t know what to make of these claims about Mount Kailash. It does make me happy to know that the Chinese government respects the sentiments of Hindus and Buddhists worldwide and will not let anyone try and scale Mount Kailash- which is also referred to as a Stairway to Heaven.

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13 Unsolved Mysteries of Mount Kailash (Updated)

Literally, the meaning of mount Kailash is “Precious Jewel of the Eternal Show”.

Mount Kailash is the peak of Kailash Range which spread in Tibet and India. It is considered a Pillar of the world.

Mount Kailash is one of the most mysterious and sacred mountains in the world located at top of Kailash Range. It is part of the Trans-Himalaya in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China. Strangely but its shape is like the pyramid of Egypt and is also called a “Man-made Pyramid” .

Mount Kailash lies around the origin of the longest river of Asia the Indus River, Sutlej River, Brahmaputra River and Karnali River. Kailash is rated as the sacred place for 4 religions Bon, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

According to the Hindus religions, it is the base of Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati. It is considered that they sit on the peak of Mount Kailash in the state of meditation, that’s why the peak is rated as the majestic destination for attaining spiritual place and the door of Moksha . Here are the few unsolved mysteries of Mount Kailash.

1: Who lives at Kailash?

who lives at kailash - mystery of mount kailash

The Hindus consider the Kailash Parvat is the abode of great Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati. The Tibetan Buddhist believes that Kailash is the abode of the tantric meditational deity Demchog. Jains consider the Kailash as the site at which their first Tirthankar attained nirvana. All of them have a different perspective about who lives at Kailash and that makes this more mysterious.

The Tibetan, Hindus and Jains hiker from the world go over oh their holy mountain for revolving around it.

2: Geographical location of Kailash Parvat

According to some strange disbelief, axis mundi is the center of earth and the connection between the physical world to the spiritual world.

Travel Guide:

According to science, it is on the axis of the earth and to keep all living being alive it maintains the atmosphere. Its location is in synchronization with all other ancient monuments in the universe and earth poles. And it is located at an exact 6666 km from the monument of Stonehenge.

3: How Mount Kailash Changes Position?

Even though numbers of people tried to climb on Kailash Parvat but till now no one gets succeeds, because according to some strange theory the mountain keep changes its position for those who want to climb it. Afterward, many people’s journeys have failed to climb its peak.

That is the reason behind that till the 21st century no one reaches the peak of the mountain. Keeps changing position make it more strange and scary.

4: The Mysterious shapes of Manasarovar and other lakes

Manasarovar lake of mount kailash

The word Manasarovar comes from Sanskrit and a combination of two words Mans means mind and Sarovar means lake.

This Sarovar is popular for its amazing beauty and the color of the water that changes blue from around the shores to emerald green at the center. These 2 lakes are like yang and ying.

The Manasarovar lake is one of the freshwater lakes in the world but strange as well because of it round like the sun. This lake is very sincere and calms irrespective of weather.

The lower lake Rakhast Tal is the devils lakes which is one of the biggest saltwater lake and its shape like the moon. The other two lakes represent solar and lunar forces, bad and good energy respectively.

Suggested Tour: Mount Kailash Group Tour Including Lake Manasarovar and Special Kailash Permit

5: Time Travel on Kailash Parvat

mystery of mount kailash

Many passengers reported that time travels quickly around the Kailash Parvat which is not witnessed anywhere in the world.

Many Hikers have reported that they feel like their nails and hairs are growing quickly within 12 hours. But in the normal environment, the same growth of hair and nails takes 2 around week time.

In Kailash hair and nail grows in just 12 hours, in normal it takes 2 week time for the same growth #timetravel Click To Tweet

This is very strange, isn’t it?

6: Man-Made Pyramid

man made pyramid mystery of mount kailash

According to one Russian theory, “Mount Kailash could be the biggest ancient Man-Made pyramid, the center of an entire complex of the smaller pyramid (100 in total) and is linked with Pyramid of Giza and Teotihuacan .

This complex and furthermore might be the center of the world that connecting other monuments or sites from where the paranormal activates have been observed.

7: Importance of Kailash Parikrama

Kailash Parvat is one of the most mysterious, religious and scary mountains at the same time one of the holiest as well, the circumambulation of which has for a long time or conceivably numerous centuries remained a crucial journey, symbolizing the life’s phases of death, refinement, and resurrection.


Jains and Buddhist refer to this circumambulation as Kora and Hindus refer as parikrama. A single circumambulation is equaled to the one turn of the wheel of life and will clean away the guilt of whole life. But the circumambulation of Kailash parvat is difficult because the mountain is difficult to access and dangerous.

8: The magical Gauri Kund

Gauri Kund that is also known as Lake of Compassion, a water body which lies in transit while going on downwards from Dolma.

This lake is famous as Parvati Sarovar where goddess Parvati had procured her child Ganesha.

Goddess Parvati had framed her child Lord Ganesh from the cleanser foam of her body and breathed life into it.

Parvati Sarovar where goddess Parvati had procured her child Ganesha from cleanser foam of her body #unsolvedmystery Click To Tweet

9: A link between Earth to Heaven

According to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism Mount Kailash could be the gateway to heaven. And Vedas also describe the same that Mount Kailash is a link between earth to heaven. If we consider the story of Mahabharata then Pandavas along with Draupadi are believed to have achieved moksha while trekking up the top, with one of them tumbling off before achieving the summit.

10: Om Parvat

Om Parvat mystery of mount kailash

Om Parvat is one more unsolved mystery which is interesting, as the snow falls on the peak and takes the state of OM.

11: Formation of Swastika

At the time of sunset, the mountain is said to cast a shadow, which has a striking likeness to the religious symbol of Swastika, which is rated as an auspicious sign by Hindus.

12. The Yam Dwar

Yam Dwar is one of the most prominent destinations in the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra which is situated in Tarboche which is 30 minutes drive from Darchen.

The meaning of Yam Dwar is “The Gateway of God of Death”. It is also known as Chorten Kang Ngyi which means two legged stupas in Tibet. Yam Dwar is more associated with heaven and the soul.

13. No Mortals allowed to climb atop Mount Kailash

According to some ancient text, no one allowed to climb atop mount Kailash where among the cloud is home of Lord Shiva. And who dare to climb to the top of Mount Kailash to see the face of good will be put to death.


Best time to visit Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash situated at high altitude due to that the region can only be visited during a specific time in a year. The best time to visit mount Kailash is April to June and September to October because during that period you can avoid the rainy season and muddy roads. And in other months the trek is covered by heavy snow that makes unfit for sightseeing and kora. From July to September you will find busy crowd because during that period the weather becomes warm.

Elevation: 6,638 M (21,778 feet)

Prominence: 1319 M (4327 feet)

Parent Range: Transhimalaya

Recommended Tour Package: 15 Days Mount Kailash Trerk Tour

Travel Condition

how to get mount kailashThe first thing you have to understand that due to remote, isolated, high altitude and region of Himalayas Tibet has never been a luxury destination so you have to adjust. You will get number of hotels but most of them are 3 or 4 stars and some are 5 stars as well. The restaurants offer simple food and are Tibetan and Chinese style (getting meat dishes is very hard). So don’t expect restaurants which offers you luxury meals. Roads are smooth but not like Europeans.

Also Read: Things to Know Before Planning a Trip to Mount Kailash

How to get to Mount Kailash and Kailash Manasarovar:

how to get mount kailashKailash Manasarovar Yatra is known for two things – First is doing a parikrama of Mount Kailash and second is taking a holy dip in Manasarovar lake . It is said that this yatra helps people to relieve pilgrims of any sign and bringing salvation to them.

The Yatra is open for individuals between the age group of 18 to 70, it can be done by walking or by using cruise for the voyage, ac transport, and helicopters. For booking you can go through the Ministry of External Affairs or through a private tour agents.

As with all areas comes under Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) so, all foreign travelers going to Mount Kailash must need an organized tour which includes transportation, accommodation, tour guide and all travel permit. There is no other way to travel to Mount Kailash without being a well-organized tour.

If you’re not bothered about the freedom to customize your travel route or timing then you can join a group tour. A small group journey can minimize your cost as the cost of the required transportation, accommodation and guide will be shared among other group members. If you want to travel solo or with family then you can go for a private tour which allows you to choose travel route and timing freely. Here are routes to travel Mount Kailash:

Also Read: 13 Tips to Follow Before Traveling Internationally

Tibet to Mount Kailash and Kailash Manasarovar

To people who travel to Mount Kailash and Manasarovar from Tibet, there are few route you can take but whichever route you took to get to Lhasa – whether from China by flight or Kathmandu by flight.

From Lhasa to Mount Kailash:

lhasa to mount kailashThere are many other ways to reach mount Kailash but Lhasa is the most common and popular way.

If you traveling mount Kailash from Lhasa then you need to be an organized tour that provides you private vehicle, driver, tour guide and travel permit.

To reach mount Kailash by Lhasa, you have to drive through good paved road via Shigatse, Lhatse, Saga and Paryang. To avoid altitude sickness it is necessary to acclimatize the high altitude of Tibet so try to spend 3 to 4 nights in Lhasa (1 night in Lhasa, 1 night in Shigatse and further night between Shigatse and Darchen) before getting out on the Kailash Trek. Every year 5 to 10 trekker dies due to complications from a high altitude while trying to go around Kailash.

Required Travel Permit:

Tibet Travel Permit is required to all foreign visitor which you (tour operator) get from the Tibet Tourism Bureau . It is required while boarding to flight or train from China to Lhasa and to travel anywhere in Tibet.

Another permit:

Alien Travel Permit: It is provided by the Public Security Bureau in Lhasa. It allows traveling outside the area of Lhasa itself and in the western region of Tibet.

Frontier Pass: It is provided by Armed Police Tiber Frontier Crops in Lhasa. It allows you to travel any area near to Nepal border like Mount Kailash, Mount Everest, etc.

Military Permit: If you want to visit the military restricted area in Ngari Prefecture then you’ll need Military permit and also for access to Mount Kailash and Manasarovar.

Before buying any private tour, it is necessary to consult with your operator about all the above-mentioned permit. For more, you can check here: Tibet Travel Permits

Suggested Tour: Top 10 Mount Kailash Tour

From Nepal (Kathmandu) to Mount Kailash and Manasarovar:

nepal to kailashTo all visitors who is travel Mount Kailash via Nepal, there are two ways – the First one is to fly from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu to Lhasa airport in Tibet and then flow the overland route from Lhasa to Kailash.

The second one is the overland road from Kathmandu to Mount Kailash via crossing boarder of Rasuwagadhi and crossing boarder of Gyirong port. And from the Tibetan border you need an organized tour which has a guide, driver and vehicle. From Gyirong road you have to reach Saga. And that heads to Darchen the main point of Kailash Kora trek by Paryang.

But I would not recommend this route because there is a lot of risks to get altitude sickness because your body does not get enough time to acclimatize the high altitude of Kathmandu (1350M), Gyirong (2700M), Saga (4450M) and Paryang (4600M). So if you traveling through this route than give yourself enough time to adjust high altitude.

Required Travel Permit:

If you’re traveling through Nepal to Mount Kailash then apart from the above-mentioned permit you need to get Group Tourist Visa. It is a single entry tourist visa which provides by the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu. It required to travelers who enter Tibet via Nepal. It will take 4 to 5 day to process.

For Group Tourist Visa you have to be in Kathmandu 5 days ahead to the expected date of travel. So that your visa application can be processed. By Tibet Travel Permit you (Tour Operator) can apply for the Group Tourist Visa.

From India to Mount Kailash and Manasarovar:

Indian travelers to Tibet are divided into two category – one is who are traveling to Tibet to tour around the region apart from mount Kailash, will be treated as normal traveler and the second who are traveling to Tibet especially for Kailash Kora or Kailash Manasarovar, will be treated as the Pilgrims, for them separate rules are defined.

For Pilgrims, Tibet visa is issued jointly by Tibet foreign affairs office, Department of public security, Tibet military region and the armed police Tibet Frontier Corps.

Helicopter to Mount Kailash:

The helicopter ride to Mount Kailash is popular among well to do tourists. You need to spend 3 days in Kathmandu to process China Group Visa before entering the Sino-Nepal border. After that, you can enjoy the majestic view of Mansarovar lake and other attractions. But flight delay and cancellation are quite often because of unpredictable weather.

Things to pack for Kailash Trek:

Minimum 3 days required to complete the Kailash trek so you have to prepare yourself in advance. So here is the packing list:

  • Small backpack, gloves, trekking pole, Sleeping bag (temperature around -15 degree Celsius)
  • Sun cream, headlamp, sunglasses, waterproof rain shell
  • Insulated jackets, outdoor jackets and pants, hiking boots and socks
  • Favorite snacks, fuel bottle, stove, cookware, tea kettle, water bottles
  • First aid kit, personal drug, personal toiletries

Suggested Tour: 21 Days: Mount Kailash pilgrimage (Kora) during the auspicious Saga Dawa Festival

Safety and Precautions

While traveling Mount Kailash or Kailash Manasarovar, you should keep the following things in your mind because of its altitude and weather:


Tibet is also known as the Roof of the world . Starting from Lhasa 3650m, Shigatse 3800m, Ngari 4500m and more while trekking to Kailash Kora. So to avoid altitude sickness give yourself enough time around Lhasa to acclimatize the altitude. Go with a first aid box and a tour guide who can help you get out from the complex situation, who can provide you local support.


It is well known that the temperature of Tibet is very cold and Ngrai is more child. So going with full preparation can help you to avoid many unwanted trouble. I would recommend you to consult with your travel guide about preparation and do’s & don’ts before departure to Mount Kailash. Or you can check our packing guide.

Physical Demand:

The drastic changes in altitude and long trekking route of Mount Kailash will challenge your stamina and perseverance. I suggest you hire Yaks and porters for trekking to save your energy. And also eating healthy food.

Join Most Popular Mount Kailash Tour: 15 Days Mount Kailash Trek Group Tour

Mount Kailash Tour (Kailash Kora)

Mount Kailash Tour

Tour of mount Kailash is one of the most challenging of treks for pilgrims in the world. The trek route of Tibet is known as Kora around the mount Kailash which is 52 Km long.

Mount Kailash tour includes much more than normal sightseeing because the average altitude of trekking is around 5000 KM so you need to be strong. It is believed that pilgrims of mount Kailash bring good luck.

  • Distance: 52 KM
  • Duration: 2-3 Days
  • Trekking Level: Medium to difficult
  • Start and finish point: Darchen Village 4675 KM
  • Highest point: Droma-La-Pass 5630 KM
  • For Accommodation: Camping, local guest house, monasteries
  • Food: Local restaurant/stall

During the route, you’ll get simple food and refreshment, overnight accommodation in local guesthouse, monasteries along the way, camping etc.

You have to take of care one thing that during hot summer night time temperature can be zero or in minus so bring your all necessary clothes.

Some people might feel unwell due to high altitude. So any symptoms of altitude sickness should be taken care seriously and without any delay, the affected person should be removed to a lower altitude. You will get service for higher payload so don’t worry about bags and all these things.

There is a short alternative of full outer kora that’s called the Inner kora . This leads from Darchen and heads towards Yinjieteo mountain that is just to the south of Mount Kailash. This route goes around Yinjieteo passing close to the south of mount Kailash before heading back to Darchen. But inner kora is not available for international tourists due to travel policy and safety concerns.

Most of the visitors travel in a clockwise direction but Buddhists and Hindus follow a clockwise while Jain and Bon follow an anti-clockwise direction.

3 Days Kailash Kora Itinerary:

Day 1 – Darchen to Drirapuk Monastery (20 KM)

Darchen to Chuku Gompa (3-4 hr)

Chuku Gompa to Drirapuk Gompa (3-4 hr)

Day 2 – Drirapuk to Dzultripuk Monastery (18 KM)

Drirapuk to Zutrulpuk Monastery (7 to 8 hr)

Day 3 – Dzultripuk Monastery to Darchen (14 KM, 3 hr)

Facts of Mount Kailash:

facts of mount kailashThe Russian Theory

The biggest mystery of mount Kailash is its Shape. According to some Russian scientists, it’s not a mountain rather than it’s a Man-Made Pyramid.

Twin Lake

There are two lakes surrounding mount Kailash – First one is Mansarovar or the God Lake and the second one is Raksbas tal or the devil lake. Many ancient text claims that Mount Kailash stands as the balance between the two and teach us that there isn’t any evil external to us; we are the evil.

Who Climb at Mount Kailash?

The interesting fact about Mount Kailash that it has never been climbed by anyone apart from a person named Milarepa. There are many stories claimed that mystic Tibetan seer and poet name Milarepa is the only person who successfully climbed atop of Mount Kailash.

Source of 4 Major River

Four most religious rivers see their beginnings inside 50KM radius and in four different directions:

  • Through west flows the great Ganges .
  • Through south flows the great Karnali .
  • Through east flows Maa Brahmaputra.
  • And through north flows river Indus .

Place of Ultimate Nirvana

Jain claims Mount Kailash as Mt. Asthapada and believe that their religious originator, Rishadev, achieved Nirvana – State of Happiness or Another form of Moksha.

Ancient Monasteries and Caves

As per the Buddhists and Hindus scriptures, around the Mount Meru exist caves and ancient monasteries wherein the blessed sages live in their material and unpretentious bodies. Only few lucky ones can see them.

Kailash Parikarma

Each year, the number of pilgrims comes Tibet for Pilgrimage to the sacred mount Kailash (Kailash Parikarma) but only some of them able to finish outflank the Mount Kailash.

Journey of Lifetime

Mount Kailash is one of the most sacred places in the world and known as the Navel of the Universe. It attracts many scholars and researchers from all over the world. Mount Kailash provides a spiritual, enriching, unique and truly rewarding journey of a lifetime.

Kang Rimpoche:

Buddhism religion has special religious connection with Mount Kailash. For them, it is known as Kang Rimpoche or “Precious One of Glacial Snow”.

Four faces:

Mount Kailash has four different faces and each of them aligned with four directions. According to Puranas, it is a spiritual center of the earth and also says that each face is made of Gold, Ruby, Lapis Lazuli and Crystal.

Most Frequently Asked Questions about Mount Kailash

Why no one has climbed mount kailash?

Its not that mountaineers from different part of the world has not tried to climb the mount kailash but they couldn’t because according to some strange believes the mountain keeps changes its position for them who wants to climb it. Truly there is something which not be understandable for common men.

Is anyone climbed mount Kailash?

What is inside Mount Kailash?

Does Lord Shiva live in Mount Kailash?

Can Plane fly over Mount Kailash?

How old is Mount Kailash?

Is Mount Kailash a Pyramid

Why is Mount Kailash sacred?

Here is the list of strange mystery of mount Kailash: So come; visit the abode of the Gods (Lord Shiva and Parvati) and receive their blessings! And share it with your friend.


Here's a fascinating take on why Mount Kailash is called "The Water tower of Asia" . The most intriguing part about this sacred mountain is how one can hear & feel the vibrations from the "thundering" sound of water surging from within this hollow mountain :-

Mount Kailash & the Creation of Rivers
LHI Team
January 9th 2018
