Academia, "science" and "mainstream" just keep getting caught with their pants down around their ankles!

Everything people used to think they could trust is continuing to melt away:

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I'm at the point where I don't trust "science" at all. Been there for the last 4 - 5 years.

From the article above:

But a month back, he climbed down from his lofty academic perch and picked a fight on X with writer Nate Silver and … Professor van der Linden got crushed: exposed as a liar and a quack who spreads misinformation while editing his personal Wikipedia page for the last decade through various single purpose accounts (SPAs) or sock puppets, to burnish his credentials and promote himself and his research.

“We are still getting numerous SPAs on this topic,” one Wikipedia editors noted about Sander van der Linden’s biography. “Nothing has changed, except they’ve gotten better at not getting caught.”

Crazy thing, science for the past century is highly subject to manipulation for ulterior motives. Surely seems from what @Soretna and others have said on here before and what I agree with, anything generally after the UnCivil War period seems to be around the time when they started coalescing dominion on science, history and other info. Something then shifted towards a global disinformation tilt. Now I'm not sayin' this wasn't the desire before this time - I think some of these... "people" wanted to control everything before this, but I think something clicked for these demons around that point in time that has accelerated what we now find ourselves stewing in today.


I wouldn't be surprised if that's when it started in earnest.

Well, the powers that be want people to be empowered by science and technology in order to be better able to carry out NWO agendas. At the same time, they don't want the general populus to understand the science behind the technology because that would really empower the general populus to the point that the NWO loses control, what to speak of two-bit dictators acquiring too much science and technology. Thus Newtonian gravity, for example, gets imposed upon us. The NWO needs strict forms of government so that they can regulate the use of technology. Otherwise, people would be taking polar trips to see the polar orifices and such with the support of anti gravitics, as if it were a Sunday afternoon jaunt in their new car.


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Newtonian gravity is a farse, gravity effects are due to electromagnetic attractions and repulsions.]

Gabrial Lippmann proved that the atom has a net positive charge, and we know that the electrorns emitted by the Earth planet are negatively charged.

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