800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess

230 Feet Down ....

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Interesting. Thanks for posting the video.

I doubt it was 800 million years old, though.

Edit: I was reading the comments, and one said this:

The Tisul Princess is from the 5th Century BCE. Both National Geographic and the BBC covered the story after a research team discovered the tomb in 1993.

That age makes a lot more sense - but, to be honest, I haven't researched the claim in that comment to see if it's true.


Truly, the 800 million figure is way out of the ball park.

There must be a lot in terms of tunnel systems down there that has not been revealed to the Russian public. That grave could be a part of a cemetary that is adjacent to a cavern city or something like that.

It's unreal, I'll say that!


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You know, if there was an underground civilization in the Tisul, Siberia region, that was active during the times of Alexander and the Greeks, then n it could still be active.

The reaction of the Russian government was too strange and abnormal. There must be a reason.



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Another good video on the story:

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That's a really good point.

I think this unknown Princess belongs to the ancient Hyperborean Civilisation .


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In other words, spillage from the hollow earth?


Yes @deandddd , that's exactly what I meant and the transparent pink-blue liquid in which the body of the princess was submerged , was probably the secret elixir of youth used by the people of Hollow Earth...it could even reverse the decomposition of her body...hmm ! No wonder , that liquid is absolutely priceless :))



Yes, the liquid did, it reversed the decomposition brought on by sudden exposure. The pious hollow earthers have that secret, and so do the demons living within the crust.

I believe that the Indo-European poopulation of northern Europe and Siberia is actually spillage from the hollow earth, and that this Tisul lady is of hollow earth extraction.

Remember that Olaf Jansen excclaimed that "They look just like us", and he was from Skandanavia.

Good night!

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The Tisul Lady looked very Skandanavian.

Anyway, I'm sure that the hollow earthers have a tunnel network, and a network of bases and or towns, around the orifice.

That lady was a part of it.


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