The Chinese Balloon and What It Might Be All About

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If the Chinese have been able to locate and map our nuclear missile silos, they might be able to tunnel up from below and take them out all of the sudden.

Something is rotten in Denmark because something like that just shouldn't happen. Milley and Biden are sellouts.

I hate to say this, but I'm glad I got out of the USA a long time ago.

What a shame, it was a great county to live in.

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@deandddd , I can tell you one thing for sure - China is upto NO GOOD with that Trojan Horse like balloon and the delay in shooting it down means they've probably achieved the surveillance objective they had...frankly , I am quite surprised to see the strangely lethargic reaction of the US Air Force to this intrusion into their Air Space - why only blame politicians ?


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The US armed forces, upper echelon officers, are bought, sold and paid for. And they sold their mothers, too!

China has already infiltrated that country completely. The Chinese are starting to throw their weight around, and they don't believe in declaring war until it is already won first.

The balloon was carrying ground penetrating radar. Five will get you ten, for sure.


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