Military Pilot Says Hollow Earth Entrance Being Hidden from Public

Hollow Earth Opening Revealed | Military Pilot Says Hollow Earth Entrance Being Hidden from Public - YouTube
Ex. Military Pilot gives a stunning testimony of the day he and his crew flew over the Antarctica during an emergency mission and witnessed what he believes to be the opening to the Hollow Earth.

This was a real nicely done video. Good info!


The information given out is special, but one problem is that there is no proof.

Another problem is that the description of the “hole” by the pilot is over simplistic, and does not relate well with the Radarsat images of the European Space Agency.

But it’s a good video for the public.

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Whooa! I am really having some doubts now about the video, in spite of my positive first opinion.

Why would they change their flights plans, in the face of standing orders not to fly into a certain area, Without checking in with their air controller. They communicate via satellite, and these are never too far away when you're way up in the air.

Military officers would never do something like that.

You know, if people base their faith on such videos, and then they get debunked, then such videos might end up tarnishing the fame of the HET (Hollow Earth Theory) more than helping it.
