Graham Hancock's views on the Balochistan Sphinx !

List members , this is from Graham Hancock's own website...the article is from 2017 . Just adds even more credibility to the pathbreaking discovery of this prehistoric , Antediluvian city . The Sphinx is located at one corner of the larger site which is spread over a few Kilometers .

I firmly believe that this astonishing site will soon be considered THE Archaeological discovery of the 21st century , enough to rewrite textbooks on ancient history and Anthropology :-


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Fascinating! I had no idea that existed.

I would love a really good set of close-ups on that head.


Accolades to you for finding that post, and accolades to Graham Hancock for writing it.

I think that the structures in Balochistan formed a huge metropoliis, that went on and on and on, but that now is disfigured and eroded quite a bit.

I think that the part that we see is a huge façade with entrances, perhaps entrances that have been covered over, but which lead to cities below, if not actual underground worlds.

Ths would explain why the constructions have been so ignored. There is underground influence on the surface world, and the undergrounders don't want to be discovered.


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@SilverMoon , @deandddd , in case you haven't watched this video before , please watch it 3 times at least...Mario Buildreps (his pen name) is an independent researcher who has an absolutely mind bending theory about prehistoric monuments such as the Balochistan Sphinx and how they are deeply connected to Earth's geological cycles !


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Thanks @SilverMoon , this is one of the best videos of the Balochistan Sphinx and all the other mysterious structures in it's vicinity upto a distance of a few Km ! This is why I say that this is a prehistoric city , no less and the naysayers should look at the entire site , NOT just the Balochistan Sphinx before saying that "it's just a natural rock formation" :))

**I was so intrigued and mystified by this anomalous site that I spontaneoulsy wrote this poem about it around 5 years ago...the words just came to me , as though from some distant past life memory of this place - I composed this just before the COVID Pandemic began - was I having some premonition then...hmm ?!
Special Tribute.pdf (109.5 KB)


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I've been thinking the the Baluchistan complex is none other than the capital of the Kuru dynasty, to which Arjuna, of Bhagavat Gita fame, belonged.

The talk of the simple people says that it is the Red Fort in New Delhi, but the fort is not big enough, and I think that the doors are Kali Yuga size, not big enough to accomodate the humans from the Dvarpara Yuga.

How tall are the doors and windows in Baluchistan? Such information gives an authoritative platform for pushing across certain conclusions about the age and date of the complex.


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To my mind that sphinx is not manmade.

When I watched the first video (on YT), YT suggested another one talking about a 2nd sphinx. I thought it was about this one, but it wasn't. The guy videoing was walking all over where the pyramids and original sphinx are. There are a lot of holes and barred entryways there. In fact, it looks like that area might have been a thriving city. And the video of the real second sphinx looks like there might have been a thriving community there, too.

@SilverMoon , the first 3:12 minutes of this 9 minute video , shot along the Makran Coastal Highway of Balochistan , has some EXTRAORDINARY visuals , especially between 1:20 to 1:40 minutes . I call it the "White House" of the prehistoric era, just that it is several times bigger than the White House ! There is a gaping hole in the wall of that palace like structure , behind the MASSIVE pillars , which probably leads underground . The whole place might be connected through a tunnel network which only an archaeological expedition could unearth .

**Please watch this video on a high resolution big screen and freeze frames at regular intervals , to see the stunning details that will ASTONISH any neutral observer .

ALL the structures are of ENORMOUS size , the Balochistan Sphinx itself being larger than the Egyptian Sphinx . If this was a prehistoric city then it was certainly built by giants , looking at the dimensions of each feature . The entire city , spread over a few Km at least , is carved from the limestone substrate and built on a GIGANTIC elevated platform . It must be from EXTREME Antiquity , so far back in time that it breaks all conventional frameworks for human history and evolution .

***If a proper archaeological excavation is permitted at this site , it will cause entire textbooks on human history and Anthropology to be rewritten :))

**Just a fun fact - when the Mughal Emperor of India , Shah Jahan , built the iconic Taj Mahal (in the 17th century) , much of the marble for it was sourced from this same region of Balochistan . Many of the sculptors and stone masons to build the Taj Mahal were also brought in from this part of Balochistan .


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Some of that was obviously huge. Near the beginning, some of that looked like walls standing alone. There was also a place where it looked like an earthquake had pushed a massive part up on one end.

I couldn't finish it; I started getting motion sickness, but I'm leaving the tab open so I can finish it later.

I had the same intuition about this site @SilverMoon - it must have been some epic cataclysm...a massive earthquake , a mega Tsunami (this place is very close to the Arabian Sea coast) , or even the Great Flood that utterly devastated this Antediluvian city...else , it was some catastrophic weapon that annihilated this prehistoric settlement in some ancient conflict .

**Needless to say , this barren place must also have had a much better climate in it's heyday .

***On a different note , my conviction about this site is strengthened by the fact that it is located just about 47 Km from the very ancient Hinglaj Mata Mandir , a highly revered Hindu temple , built inside a natural mountain cave . This shrine is associated with numerous , so called "mythological" stories in Hinduism :-


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The capital of the Kuru dynasty was called Hastinapur.



I took it to 3:23 min/sec. Words fail me, they don't say enough!

And all that wasn't built by ancient technologiy as we know it.

Nobody wants us to know that such ancient technology existed.

Unfortunately, we are mushroom children: raised in the dark and fed on bullshit.


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Sure @deandddd , please do freeze the frame at exactly 1:25 minutes of this video and watch it second by second , for the next 14 seconds till 1:39 minutes . Ideally , see it on a BIG screen with high resolution for details . The visuals will speak for themselves !

**This looks like a prehistoric , antediluvian palace and an ENORMOUS one at that !! Judging by the scale of the structures , it seems each cone-shaped pillar is about 100 feet tall and about 25 feet thick at the base & tapering off near it's top .

***Also , notice the gaping holes in the gigantic wall behind those conical pillars . What are they leading to ? Is it an underground system of tunnels ??

A massive EMP blast could have reduced this enigmatic structure to ruins in some bygone era...even the pillars look like they've MELTED (??) due to the heat of the explosion that annihilated them...hmm !

Anybody who says this is a natural rock formation , NOT a manmade structure , needs to have their conscience examined :))



I am still reading the unabridged Mahabharata, and I am surprised by the amount of detail, even on the personal level, that this wonderful literary work offers.

But there seems to be a geographical disconnection between names and descriptions, and our modern understanding of places. What a shame that the Islamics burned down more libraries than you can shake a stick at.

I truly believe that Bolochistan was Hastinapur, supposedly, Hastinapur was home to millions, so where else? And why could not Hastinapur have had an underground segment to it? I.e. the "gaping holes in the gigamtic walls ..."?

But who occupies the underground now, below Pakistan and Afghanistan?


@deandddd , then you must take a look at this screenshot , taken at the 2:59 minute mark of the following video . It is a close up image of those conical pillars and the hole in the wall behind them . I challenge any ETHICAL "researcher" to prove that this is a "natural" rock formation , NOT a mandmade one ! This entire prehistoric city is carved out of limestone .

**Folks , l sincerely request and earnestly appeal to everyone in this group to please kindly spread the word about this rare & precious site. It might well be the true cradle of human civilisation & is hence a Global heritage for all of mankind .

P.S. As for who built it , it could even be a city of the Asura clans . Or maybe a very ancient Vedic city of which all memories have been lost . Mahabharat actually happened much later than the Vedic age and the location of Hastinapur is well documented - it is near New Delhi .

**Everything about this site suggests it was in it's heyday , even BEFORE the Great Flood :))

***Please also check out the following screenshots by viewing them on a large high resolution screen . The best part is that all of these images and videos have been shot in BRIGHT SUNLIGHT .

So , anyone who labels these structures as just "natural rock formations" would be both morally and physically BLIND :-

P.S. Notice the size of the bikers on the road , as compared to the massive structures to the left and right sides of the Makran Coastal Highway :-



Does this Hastinapur location near Delhi have any ruins? When I hear the numbers of soldiers that lined up for the battle depicted in the Bhagavad Gita, I think "where did they put all these people?" And an astounding number of soldiers were attraibuted to the Kuru dynasty.

There was one kingdom known as Kamboja mentioned in the Mahabharat. I am thinking that it is modern day Cambodia and Thailand.

You know, in Thailand they are very big on Rama worship and the Ramayan.


@deandddd , yes just about 90 Km from New Delhi , there are the ruins of ancient Hastinapur by the Ganges river .

You are right - that Cambodia has an indirect association with people from distant Kamboj kingdom , who had migrated from Kamboj in ancient times .

**Kamboj kingdom was most famous for it's horses , horse riders and hardy warriors . It is located in present day Afghanistan .
