Archaeologists ‘discover source’ of King Solomon’s riches - Israeli caves !

List members , it's always fascinating when "stories" we thought were just mythology are proven to be real !

Archaeologists ‘discover source’ of King Solomon’s riches

  • 30 AUG 2021

An archaeology team digging in Israel’s Timna Valley think they have found out why King Solomon of legendary riches was so wealthy

The Middle East, especially the area that includes Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt is full of ancient artefacts. Much of Israel’s deserts have provided archaeological teams dozens of items from hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. One such find, with Bedouin goat herders discovering a series of manuscripts, happened in the 1940s.

The texts found in Qumran, written on papyrus and parchment, were later named the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were found in 11 caves between 1947 and 1956. The Biblical writings on the scrolls went back as far back as the eighth century BCE.

The Timna Valley is further south than Qumran, deep in the Israeli desert. Archaeological teams have been digging there since 1964.

Starting from the mid-1960s, researchers who have been working there “have discovered a network of mines, believed to have been worked by slaves under King Solomon, explored in the Smithsonian Channel's documentary, 'Secrets: King Solomon's Mines,’” the Express writes.

The Smithsonian Channel documentary said that archaeologists “might have discovered” the source of King Solomon’s legendary riches.

Tel Aviv University’s professor Erez Ben-Yosef has figured that 3,000 years ago, during Solomon’s rule, production at the site was thriving.

Contrary to what one would expect, however, the mines are not filled with gold or silver, but copper. Ben-Yosef points to indications around the site that suggest mass copper production.

Displaying a piece of black rock in his hands, Ben-Yousef says “All of the black material is slag, it's waste from the furnaces.

"This is very important evidence for the ancient copper production in Timna."

The significance of the find is that it shows copper was available as a most in-demand commodity in ancient times. Nowadays it is a common commodity but at the time it was not.

Prof Ben-Yosef goes on to say: "Copper, at this particular time in history, was the most important economic resource.

"This was the most lucrative industry."

Timna Valley is located in the south of Israel, about 30 kilometres north of the Gulf of Aqaba and the city of Eilat. (Google Maps)

According to Dr Mohammad Najjar, from Friends of Archaeology of Jordan, copper 3,000 years ago was what crude oil is now, an unsubstitutable and valuable commodity.

He says: "Because you cannot do without oil, and at that time you couldn't do without copper."

The Express points out that copper “was at the heart of a radical turning point in human history.” For the first time, people were “extracting metals from rock and turning them into tools and weapons.”

Najjar calls the moment a “quantum leap” as humans started to manufacture their own materials. Copper was the first metal to be worked by humans, according to Thought Co.

Najjar has studied ancient copper processes, according to the Express, and showed the Smithsonian documentary how King Solomon’s men would have worked the natural copper found in the caves.



You know, Plato told of the copper mines of the Atlanteans being near Tartessos/Seville, in Spain, and there are exhausted mines not too far away from Seville. They are above the town of Cadiz, just above the small town of Niebla.

Maybe Solomon knew of them.

Background info: Tartessos |



@deandddd @sidharthabahadur I once heard rumors that King Solomon actually got his gold by sending explorers into the earth (potentially the concave portion), and that was part of the purpose of his many ships. Have either of you heard of this theory?

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I have never heard that theory. But ... this business about him sending his ships into the Earth doesn't sound right. First of all, we are depending on some translator, or a line of them, to translate about some phenomenon that he/she/they do not understand at all.

And then, the whole idea is next to impossible because in the first plae because those frail ships, which were little more than boats, wouldn't have been able to make regular journies in and out of the abyass, through the polar conditions, along such far distances above the tree line with no food in sight, et cetera.

What if the original writer's intention was to write "below the Earth", meaning at the bottom side of the planet; but some translator took it as meaning "below the surface, into the Earth" ?

Because one way to end up at the bottom half is to go West along northern Africa and get kind of close to Brazil, then sail across, which can be a relatively short oceanic voyage.

And 200 - 300 miles inland from where a map will show the City of Salvador on the Brazilian coast is basically where the Mines of Muribeca are located (exact location unknown). Those mines had a small town (not a metropolis!) located within eyesight. It had some urban planning and houses made of polished black granite, and there was an assembly house that bordered a town square, and it had a large doorway with a sign above it chiseled on a stone slab written in Phoenician letters. But an old version of Phoenician letters, some of which were written differently or unknown.

And what we would call "white Caucasians" were spotted by the Portuguese explorers in a canoe in the stream that passed by the town.

And a Darius gold coin, which is from Persia, was found in some of the rubble of collapsed houses.

Perhaps Solomon knew of the mines, or was told by the Phoenicians, and he regularly sent his ships to Brazil to pick up the mined gold. At least something like this was possible. And then once Solomon's kingdom had waned, the Poenicians kept up the good work. Who knows?

The whole story on the Mines of Muribeca can be found in the book Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America by David Hatcher Childress.


Interesting, thanks for the explanation. I guess I'll need to do a little more research into it myself at some point to see if it was feasible. You raise valid points.

The Mines of Muribeca - From David Hatcher Childress ...

In the next 150 years, many hardy and unscrupulous Portuguese
adventurers set out on dangerous trails with the avowed purpose
of locating these lost mines of the Moribeca. These bandeiristas
wandered through dense forests, camped in clearings on the banks
of unknown rivers, with fierce Indians lurking in the shades to send
forth showers of poisoned arrows. They defied every danger of man,
fever and insects, the jungle devils, and the famine and demon
ticks of the catinga\ but the mystery of the lost mines remained un-

Now, came the year 1743, and a native of Minas Geraes whose
name has perished started with other bandeiristas (five of them
Portuguese), two samboes (negro slaves), and 300 Indians on the
trail of these lost mines of the Moribeca. What cared they if a
buffoon and jogral in Rio, by name of P. Silverio da Paraopeba,
had gibed at them, in a little poem about the adventures of crazy
bandeirantes and bandeiristas, "bitten by gold bugs"? Anyhow, they
never read poems, even if they could read at all. So, let him and his
japing fellow-scribblers take a Brazilian cdbaga of yerba-mat^,
and go to Hades !

This mid-eighteenth century expedition was well armed, and in-
tended to live on the country. No pack animals, or even the toughest
and most leathery-stomached of mules could be taken into the
Brazilian sertao. It was, as it is today, land of snakes and cougars
and of the snarling, prowling el tigre, with water for fever-stric


men only to be found in the depths of the sandstone gorges through
which turbulent rivers, cluttered with fallen boulders, flowed to
dash and foam over catadupas, or cataracts.

This expedition was away for ten long years, enduring incredible
hardships and braving great perils. Their very memory had been for-
gotten by the most caustic- tongued of satirical scribblers in Rio and
Bahia, when, one day, in the year 1753, an emaciated remnant of
the band staggered in from the unknown and halted at a J "agenda
in some little and obscure povoofao in the province of Bahia. They
were almost dead with hunger, fatigue and misery. Reduced to
rags and bones ! There, in the cool of the evening of a hot day, one
of these bandeiristas, sitting under the eaves of the verandah, wrote
an astonishing story of their travels and adventures. The implica-
tions of his story were too amazing to have been realised or per-
ceived by so unlettered a man, though he had a picturesque style
of writing. Nor may one wonder at that ; for only in very recent
years have they become known to historians or scholars, few or
none of whom are native Brazilians, or even North Americans.

When this soldier of fortune and man of action took up the quill
pen in his stiffened fingers in the backwoods of old Bahia, he never
dreamt that he was drawing aside a veil from a Lost World, drowned
in the waters of the ocean, split, rocked and exploded by titanic
earthquakes and tellurian and submarine convulsions, many thou-
sands of years before the ancient Egyptians were building their
very early and most ancient step pyramids, at Sakkarah, on the
Nile, more than 6,800 miles over the South Atlantic Ocean, east-

This manuscript of an old bandeirista eventually reached the
Portuguese viceroy in Rio de Janeiro. He clearly thought it held the
secret of great riches, and some long-lost mines; for someone in the
entourage hid it in the official archives and steadfastly denied that it
had ever existed, or had been received. They hoped to make a great
and exclusive discovery, aided by this derrotero, as the old Spanish
treasure hunters called such documents in Quito (Ecuador) and other
parts of the old Spanish South American Empire. The manuscript
became lost to sight and memory, and all trace of it vanished, from
the year 1760 until 1841, when a Brazilian historian and archivist,
Senhor Lagos, found it hidden in the archives of the old royal public
library in Rio de Janeiro, where I, myself, saw it in 1938-9.

It is unfortunate that the insect called the copim has attacked the
old parchment, so that many valuable leaves, significant words and
parts of words are missing; but enough is left to indicate the startling
nature of the discoveries and the fascinating and rather eerie adven-
tures of these bandeiristas of 1743-1753.

In the autumn of 1939 I obtained a transcript of the document,
thanks to the courtesy of Mr. W. G. tiurdett, American Consul-


General in Rio. Thereafter, I spent many weeks translating from the
Portuguese and studying this amazing document, and also others,
not Known to American archivists and historians, but found in
official archives in the provinces of SSo Paulo or Rio, and concerned
with these stories of abandoned cities of unknown date and history.
Herewith, for the first time in the English language, I set down
this remarkable story of men who, unknown to themselves, were
peering into a dead world of the most ancient civilisation we know.

"Rela$ao historica de huma occulta, e grande povoagoe
antiguissima sem moradores, que se descubrio no anno de

(Historical Relation of a hidden and great city of ancient date,
without inhabitants, that was discovered in the year 1753).

Em a America (in America) ..............................

nos interiores (we inland) ....................................

contiguous aos (next to the) ................................

Mestre de Can (Master of Can) ..............................

and his band (commitiva), having for ten years journeyed in the wilds
(sertoes) to see if we could locate the famous silver mines of the
Great Moribeca (who, by the wickedness \culpa\ of a Governor, was
not granted letters patent, because the Governor wanted to take the
silver mines for himself and the glory thereof, and he, the Moribeca,
was kept prisoner in Bahia, till he died, which was done to worm out
of him the location of the silver mines. This account came to Rio
de Janeiro, in the beginning of the year 1754 . . ."

(The blanks in the introduction and the text, following, are, as
I stated, caused by the gnawing of the copim insect. In both West
Indies and South America, archives and old newspapers are anni-
hilated by insects.)

"After long and wearisome wanderings, incited by the insatiable
lust for gold, and almost lost in the many years we wandered, in
these wilds of Brazil, we discovered a cordillera of mountains, so
high that they drew near the ethereal region (chegaoSo a regido
etherea), and served as a throne of the winds, under the stars; their
lustre, from afar, excited our wonder and admiration, principally
when the sun shining on them turned to fires the crystals of which
the rocks were composed. The view was so beautiful that none could
take their eyes from the reflections. It began to rain before we came
near enough to take note of these crystalline marvels, and we saw
above. .The spectacle was bare and sterile rocks, the waters pre-
cipitated themselves from the heights, foaming white, like snow,
struck and turned to fire by the rays of the sun, like thunderbolts.
Delighted by the pleasing vistas of that ........ blended ........

shone and glistered * ....... of the waters and the tranquillity ......



of the day or weather (do tempo), we determined to investigate
these prodigious marvels of nature, spread out before us, at the foot
of the mountains, without hindrance of forests or rivers that would
make it difficult for us to cross them. But when we walked round
the foot of the cordillera we found no open way or pass into the
recesses of these Alps and Pyrenees of Brazil. So there resulted for
us, from this disappointment, an inexplicable sadness.

"We grew weary and intended to retrace our steps, the next day,
when it came to pass that one of our negroes, gathering dried sticks,
saw a white deer (hum veado branco), and, by that accident, as it
fled away, he discovered a road between two sierras, that appeared
to have been made by man and not the work of Nature. We were
made joyful by this discovery and we started to ascend the road, but
found a great boulder that had fallen and broken all to pieces at a
spot where, we judged, a paved way (calfadd) had been violently
upheaved in some far-off day. We spent a good three hours in the
ascent of that ancient road, being fascinated by the crystals, at
which we marvelled, as they blazed and scintillated in many flash-
ing colours from the rocks. On the summit of the pass through the
mountain, we came to a halt.

"Thence, spread out before our eyes, we saw in the open plain
(campo raso) greater spectacles (demonstrafdes) for our vision of
admiration and wonder. At the distance of about a league, as we
judged, we saw a great city (povoado grande), and we estimated, by
the extent and sight of it, that it must be some city of the court of
Brazil ; we at once descended the road towards the valley, but with

great caution would be, in like case, ordered to explore

by quality and if so well as they had noticed

smokes (famines]?])^ that being one of the evident signs or

vestiges of the place (povoafdo).

"Two days we waited, wondering whether to send out scouts,
for the end we longed for, and all alone, we waited till daybreak,
in great doubt and confused perplexity of mind, trying to guess if
the city had any people in it. But it became clear to us there were no
inhabitants. An Indian of our bandeirantes determined, after two days
of hesitation, to risk his life in scouting by way of precaution ; but
he returned, amazing us by affirming he had met no one ; nor could
discover footsteps or traces of any person whatever. This so con-
founded us that we could not believe we saw dwellings or buildings,
and so, all the scouts (os exploradores) in a body, followed in the steps
of the Indian. . . ."

"They now saw for themselves that it was true the great city was
uninhabited. We, all, therefore* now decided to enter the place,
our arms ready for instant use, at daybreak. At our entry we met
none to bar our way, and we encountered no other road except
the one which led to the dead city. This, we entered under three


arches (arcos) of great height, the middle arch being the greatest,
and the two of the sides being but small ; under the great and prin-
cipal arch we made out letters, which we could not copy, owing to
their great height above the ground.

"Behind, was a street as wide as the three arches, with, here
and there, houses of very large size, whose facades of sculptured

stone, already blackened with age; alone inscriptions,

all open to the day (todos abertas) decreases of

observing, by the regularity and symmetry with which they were
made, that they appeared to have one owner only, being, in reality,
very numerous, so that [they stood] with their terraces open to the
day, without one tile ; for the houses had, some of them, burnt
floors; others, large flagstones.

"We went, with fear and trembling, into some of the houses,
and in none did we find vestiges of furniture, or moveable objects
by which, or whose use, we might guess at the sort of people who had
dwelt therein. The houses were all dark, in the interior, and hardly
could the light of day penetrate, even at its dimmest, and, as the
vaults gave back the echoes of our speech, the sound of our voices
terrified us. We went on into the strange city and we came on a
road (street : rua) of great length, and a well set-out plaza (urna
praga regular) , besides, in it, and in the middle of the plaza a column
of black stone of extraordinary grandeur, on whose summit was a
statue of a man (homen ordinario : not a god, or demi-god) with a
hand on the left hip and right arm out-stretched, pointing with the
index finger to the north pole ; and each corner of the said plaza is
an obelisk like those among the Romans, but now badly damaged,
and cleft as by thunderbolts.

"On the right side of the plaza is a superb building, as it were the
principal town-house of some great lord of the land; there is a great
hall (salao) at the entrance, but still being awed and afraid, not all

of us entered in the hou being so many and the retre

ed to form some ed we encounter a mass of extra-

ordin it was difficult for him to lift it, .......

"The bats were so numerous that they fluttered in swarms
round the faces of our people, and made so much noise that it was
astonishing. Above the principal portico of the street is a figure in
half-relief, cut out of the same stone, and naked from the waist
upward, crowned with laurel, representing a person of youthful
years, without beard, with a girdle (banda) around him, and an under-
garment (urn fraldelim) open in front at the waist, underneath the
shield (escudo) of this figure are certain characters, now badly
defaced by time, but we made out the following :


"On the left side of the plaza is another totally ruined building,
and the vestiges remaining well show that it was a temple, because
of the still standing side of its magnificent fagade, and certain naves
of stone, standing entire. It covers much ground, and in the ruined
halls are seen works of beauty, with other statues of portraits inlaid
in the stone, with crosses of various shapes, curves (arches[?] corvos)
and many other figures that would take too long to describe here.

"Beyond this building a great part of the city lies completely
in ruins, and buried under great masses of earth, and frightful
crevasses in the ground, and in all this expanse of utter desolation
there is seen no grass, herb, tree, or plant produced by nature, but
only mountainous heaps of stone, some raw (that is, unworked),

others worked and carved, whereby we understood they

because again among of corpses that

and part of this unhappy and overthrown, perhaps, by

some earthquake.

"Opposite this plaza, there runs very swiftly a most deep
(cauddosd) and wide river, with spacious banks, that were very
pleasing to the eye : it was eleven to twelve fathoms in width, with-
out reckoning the windings, clear and bared at its banks of groves,
as of trees and of the trunks that are often brought down in floods.
We sounded its depths and found the deepest parts to be fifteen or
sixteen fathoms. The country beyond consists wholly of very green
and flourishing fields, and so blooming with a variety of flowers
that it seemed as if Nature, more attentive to these parts, had laid
herself out to create the most beautiful gardens of Flora : we gazed,
too, in admiration and astonishment at certain lakes covered with
wild rice plants from which we profited, and also at the innumerable
flocks of geese that bred in these fertile plains (compos) ; but it would
have been difficult to sound their depths with the hand, in the
absence of a sounding-rod.

"Three days we journeyed down the river, and we stumbled
on a cataract (uma catadupa) of such roaring noise and commotion
of foaming waters, that we supposed the mouths of the much talked
of Nile could not have made more trouble or booming, or offered
more resistance to our further progress. Afterwards, the river spreads
out so much from this cascade that it appears to be a great Ocean
(que parece o grande Oceano). It is all full of peninsulas, covered with

green grass, with groves of trees, here and there, that make

pleas Here, we find

for want of it, we the

variety of game many created brings without hunters

to hunt and chase them.

"On the eastern side of this cataract, we found various sub-
terranean hollows (subcavoes] and frightful holes, and made trial of
their depths with manv rot>es : but, after manv attempts we were


never able to plumb their depths* We found, besides, certain broken
stones,, and [lying] on the surface of the ground, thrown down, with
bars of silver (crevadas de prata) that may have been extracted from
the mines, abandoned at the time.

" Among these caverns (fwnas) we saw some covered with a great
flagstone, with the following figures cut into it, that suggest a great
mystery. They are as follows:

"Over the portico of the temple, we saw, besides, the following


"Distant a cannon-shot from the abandoned city is a building
like a country house (casa de campo), with a frontage of 250 feet. It
is approached by a great portico, from which a stairway built with
stones of various colours is seen to be leading into a great chamber
(sala) y and from that there lead out fifteen small rooms, each with
a door communicating with the said great chamber. Each room
has its waterspout (or fountain : bica de agua) ....................

the which water meets ...................... in the exterior

courtyard .................................. colonnades in the

sur .................................... squared and fashioned

by hand, overhung with the characters following :

"Thence, leaving that marvel, we went down to the banks of the
river to see whether we could find gold, and without difficulty, we
saw, on the surface of the soil, a fine trail promising great riches,
as well of gold, as of silver : we marvelled that this place had been
abandoned by those who had formerly inhabited it; for, with all
our careful investigations and great diligence we had met no per-
son, in this wilderness, who might tell us of this deplorable marvel
of an abandoned city, whose ruins, statues and grandeur, attested its
former populousness, wealth, and its flourishing in the centuries
past; whereas, today, it is inhabited by swallows, bats, rats and
foxes, that, fed on the innumerable swarms of hens and geese, have
become bigger than a pointer dog. The rats have the tails so short
that they leap like fleas and do not run or walk, as they do in other


"At this place, the band separated, and one company, joined
by others, journeyed forward, and, after nine days' long marchings,
saw, at a distance, on the bank of a great bay (enseada) into which
the river spreads, a canoe with some white persons, with long, flow-
ing, black hair, dressed like Europeans

a gunshot fired as a signal to

for they escaped. They had

shaggy and wild their

hair is plaited and they wear clothes.

"One of our company, named Joao Antonio, found in the ruins
of a house a piece of gold money, of spherical shape, greater than
our Brazilian coin of 6,400 reis : on one side was an image, or figure
of a kneeling youth ; on the other, a bow, a crown, and an arrow
(setta), of which coins we doubted not to have found many in the
abandoned city; since it was overthrown by an eathquake, which
gave no time, so sudden was its onset, to take away precious objects ;
but it needs a very powerful arm to turn over the rubbish, accumu-
lated in so many long years, as we saw.

"This news is sent to your Honour from the interior of the
province of Bahia and from the rivers Pard-oacu and Una, and
assuring you that we shall give information to no person, whatso-
ever; for we judge the villages are empty of people and boat owners.
But I have given to your Honour the mine we have discovered,
reminded of the great deal that is owed to you.

"Supposing that from our band, one of our company went
forth, at this time, with a different pretence .... he may, with great
harm to your Honour, abandon his poverty and come to use these
great things for his own benefit, taking great care to bribe that
Indian [therefore], so as to spoil his purpose and lead your Honour
to these great treasures, etc

would find, in the entrances .


Here are found, in the Portuguese MS., the strange, unknown
characters following. They appear to have been engraved on the
great stones, sealing the vault of treasure, or the mausolea (?),
whose apertures and fastenings the bandeiristas, using all their
strength, could not force wider, or open :


So ends the strange story of the bandeiristas of Minas Geraes.

It ipay strike the reader, as it did myself, when I saw this docu-
ment, that, out of these forty-one characters, no fewer than twenty
are almost identical in form with the letters of the Greek alphabet ;
kappa, upsilon, zeta, phi, iota, gamma, beta, omicron, sigma>
omega, lambda, chi, epsilon, psi (?), theta, nu, while two of the
signs are remarkably like Arabic numerals. The startling signifi-
cances of these amazing identities are, I propose to show, not
accidental in their relationship to the Phoenician-Greek alphabet.
These strange inscriptions on the flagstones of the vaults (?),
found so far apart as Ceylon and the Brazilian highlands (as
will be seen, infra), must be the oldest existing in the whole

@deandddd , @Ephraimite , what a great discussion this is turning out to be...! I really liked the South America theory...the whereabouts of Solomon's treasure has been an enduring mystery of the ages .

**Well , King Solomon was a very , very important character from the past - an extraordinary man . His knowledge was even more valuable than his legendary wealth...Solomon was clearly far ahead of his time - he somehow had access to secret , forbidden knowledge (he probably knew about Hollow Earth as well) that forms the basis of many secret societies in existence till today...coming back to the topic of his wealth , here is something I found :-

The mysterious whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant has long captured the attention of archaeologists and treasure-seekers alike.
In the Hebrew Bible, the third king of Israel, Solomon, is depicted as a wise, powerful, and immensely wealthy king, who ruled between 965 BC and 925 BC. It is written that he reigned over a prosperous empire and commissioned magnificent palaces and fortresses in Jerusalem, also building the first temple to store the legendary Ark of the Covenant, a gilded case believed to hold the original Ten Commandments as handed down to Moses by God. But when his Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 597 and 586 BC, it is said that the Ark and his other treasures disappeared, never to be seen of again.

The Treasures of King Solomon
In historical records, Solomon is portrayed as a king with an extreme amount of wealth. For example, in the Book of Kings I (one of the two biblical books from which most of our knowledge of Solomon is derived, the other being Chronicles II ), it is written that,

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold, / Beside that he had of the merchantmen, and of the traffick of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country.

Additionally, it has also been recorded that,

King Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold: six hundred shekels of gold went to one target. / And he made three hundred shields of beaten gold; three pound of gold went to one shield: and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon. / Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold.… / And all king Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold; none were of silver: it was nothing accounted of in the days of Solomon…. / So King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom.

The great wealth of Solomon has led many to believe that there is a great treasure hidden somewhere, awaiting its discovery. Yet, the exact contents of this ‘treasure’ are rather uncertain, and may range from gold and silver objects to the long coveted Ark of the Covenant.

The rich and powerful King Solomon with the Queen of Sheba, oil on canvas painting by Edward Poynter, 1890

The rich and powerful King Solomon with the Queen of Sheba, oil on canvas painting by Edward Poynter, 1890 ( public domain )

The Treatise of the Vessels
In a Hebrew text called the ‘Treatise of the Vessels’, which was translated into English around two years ago, Solomon’s ‘treasure’ includes the coveted Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle, gold musical instruments, and the vestment of the high priest.

Other possible objects from the ‘Treasure of Solomon’ can be found in the numerous legends surrounding this king. One such legend speaks of Solomon being in possession of a seal ring on which the name of God was engraved. With this magical ring, Solomon was able to command demons to do his bidding.

King Solomon's Ring - Designed be the Artist David Weitzman

Solomon’s Golden Table
Another artifact belonging to Solomon is his table, which appears in a story surrounding the Islamic conquest of Iberia. In this story, the governor of Morocco, Musa Ibn Nasyr, was in command of the invading force, and ordered Tariq Ibn Ziyad, one of his Berber vassals, to lead the vanguard. Tariq’s landing place, incidentally, is what is now known as Gibraltar (this name is said to be the Spanish derivative of Jabal Tariq , meaning ‘Mountain of Tariq’.) Before his overlord had even crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, Tariq had already defeated Roderick, the king of the Visigoths, and captured his capital, Toledo. It was in this city that Tariq is said to have found a golden table rumoured to have been from the Temple of Solomon, and claimed it as his war booty.

When Ibn Nasyr arrived in Toledo, he heard of the golden table, and desired it himself, so that he could present it as a gift to the Caliph in Damascus. As a result, the table was seized from Tariq. The vassal, obviously angered by Ibn Nasyr’s action, broke one of the table’s legs, and replaced it with an inferior one. Tariq knew that he overlord was uncultured, and would not know the difference, whilst the Caliph would notice it in an instant. This came true when Ibn Nasyr presented the table to the Caliph. When he was asked to explain, Ibn Nasyr could only reply that he found it that way. Tariq, who was also present at Damascus, then took the actual leg, as proof that the table was seized from him. Tariq was rewarded, Ibn Nasyr was punished, and the table, which was kept by the Caliph, eventually disappeared from history.

One last story pertaining a possible object in the ‘Treasure of Solomon’ can be found in a colourful tale called the ‘Legend of Prince Ahmed Al Kamel, or the Pilgrim of Love’, which can be found in Washington Irving’s Tales of Alhambra , a collection of stories picked up whilst he was staying in the grand Moorish palace in Granada. Solomon is referred to a few times in this story. For instance, the prince is said to have learned the language of the birds, rumoured to have been taught to Solomon by the Queen of Sheba. Solomon is mentioned again, as the owner of a silken carpet kept in a sandalwood box in the treasury of Toledo. This carpet (said to have been brought to Toledo by the Jews who took refuge there after the fall of Jerusalem) had magical properties, and was used by the prince to fly back to Granada with his Christian princess.

‘Pilgrim of Love’ stained glass window at Sunnyside Memorial Gardens, Long Beach, California

‘Pilgrim of Love’ stained glass window at Sunnyside Memorial Gardens, Long Beach, California ( thinduck42 / flickr )

The Disappearance of Solomon’s Treasures
In 589 BC, the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar II laid siege to Jerusalem, culminating in the destruction of the city and Solomon’s Temple in the summer of 587 BC. It is said that at this point in time, Solomon’s treasures disappeared, never to be seen of again.

According to the Treatise of the Vessels, the treasures were hidden by a number of Levites and prophets and “hidden in various locations in the Land of Israel and in Babylonia, while others were delivered into the hands of the angels Shamshiel, Michael, Gabriel and perhaps Sariel”.

Archaeologists and historians are not sure whether the Ark of the Covenant was stolen, destroyed, or hidden, and many continue to search for this long lost treasure.



You know, between the second and third Punic Wars the Phoenicians in Carthage became absolutely flush with gold and used it at one point to purchase everything para bellum to challenge the Romans.

And then, at the Mines of Muribeca site, there it was, an inscription over the assembly hall inPhoenicianscript. This tells me a lot. Those "in the know" along the Mediterranean knew about the South American mines, so why wouldn't King Solomon? And the Phoenician heyday was definitely pre Roman, by definition, and this coincides with Solomon's reign.


@deandddd , King Solomon may well have known such hidden sources...only that can explain his disproportionate wealth .

Interestingly , the famous "Qaroon Treasure" of the Muslim world could probably have been the same treasure that was earlier owned by King Solomon...the earliest mention of Qaroon treasure is from Turkey , around 700 B.C. , whereas Solomon's era was around 1,000 B.C. , so a difference of just 300 years .

Strangely , the Qaroon/Karun treasure might have originally been obtained from , chances are very high that Solomon's treasure passed on to the Muslim world in later times...!


@deandddd where are you seeing that Phoenician script?


It is in the book Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America by David Hatcher Childress. It is reproduced in the index, at the back.


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It seems unfortunate that there don't appear to be any images of this online from my searches so far of "Mines of Muribeca"...

The Mines of Muribecca were mentioned by only one man who spent the rest of his life in jail because he would not reveal their location.

There was never anything published about them until Harold T. Wilkins told the story in his 1948 book, retold by David Hatcher Childress.


Hmm, this is there an actual photo or drawing? I suspect it is simply recorded from a word of mouth story instead - initially I had the impression from your remarks that there would be a photo or such.

Did Childress reproduce the account or such from Wilkins' 1948 book titled "Dead Cities of Gold and Mystery: Strange Trails To Cyclopean Ruins In Old Brazil and To A Shangri-La Behind The Chilean Andes?"

Apparently this is a reference of Wilkins' works (not a very kindly resource).


Wilkins went to Latin America and spent years there. He conducted interviews and visited libraries. The presentation in his two books is tremendous, it is all about the Atlantean, Phoenician and Amazonian migration to Latin American, and about the cultures that were already in place. It smacks to me as an outline for the David Hatcher Childress Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America book. Wilkins is an unsung hero, and died maligned and spent. If it weren't for Wilkins, we wouldn't know anything about what went on. He assembled all the known info, and the info that he found out, in his books.

I am happy that Childress got the material out again, I don't see any plagary, Childress quotes the WIlkens books very much.

The original source of the Moribeca story is the Wilken's book Mysteries of Ancient South America, from Pages 39 to at least 38. There are reproductions and analyses of the Phoenician script.

The Portuguese explorers were among those loosely defined groups of explorers known as The Bandeirantes, and this particular group was working under the authority of the Portuguese Vice Roy in Salvador.

The only letter that they were able to send back to the Vice Roy was found by Wilkins, shown to him by the librarians of the National Archives in Brazil.

The book was published in 1948. It is an easy read, and riveting.


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Thanks, not concerned with plagiary of any sort - I simply like understand and/or to collect source insomuch that it's possible. Thanks for the heads up and info there. It seems that folks have disdain for Wilkins, perhaps because he also appears to have written fiction stories as well (?).

Thanks so much for the synopsis.

It may be of interest that after having received my copy of this book, I had a bit of a rough time initially trying to find the original archival record in la " Revista trimensal do Instituto Historico, Geographico e Ethnographico do Brazil" of that time period. I had hoped to find the original document scanned and oddly I found a number of matches for "21 de Julho" and "1753" in OCR'd text, I couldn't find the original record.

The reproduction from the book that I believe you're referring to is (please let me know if I'm wrong):

After some more digging it does perhaps appear that the original (not from the re-typed Brazilian archives though unfortunately) document is floating around:

It also appears as though this document is referred to as "Manuscript 512":

From original:

There are some likely similarities from or with ancient Phoenocian, especially in form: Google Images

Can you call out specific characters that highlight important similarities in your mind?

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I have just found this posting of yours and it is late Friday night, Saturday morning. But I looked at the Appendix of the David Hatcher Childress book, Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of Ancient South America. He reproduces the Harold T. Wilkins version. In the Appendix, the translation of the letter written by the explorer from the " Revista trimensal do Instituto Historico, Geographico e Ethnographico do Brazil" is reproduced in full. Yes, the scripts are in the letter.

I can't analyze the script because I'm like you, I don't know any Phoenician.

I have found the Muribeca story in the Childress book, but he doesn't delineate too much. I remember reading comments about the Phoenician letters and how they seemed to be an earlier version of Phoenician script than what survived towards their "end" after the Punic wars. Maybe that was in the original Wilkins book. I remember reading how there were letters that were the same. But I won't be able to touch this until Monday morning.

Plato told that some Atlanteans didn't flee northwards when the seismic rumblins stated, he stated that some fled acros the ocean westwards to where there are two large continents, North and South, connected by an isthmus. But any writing by those Atlanteans 12,000 years ago would have developed at least a bit differently from the Phoenician writing that we know of from the times of the Punic wars, 10,000 years later. So don't expect exact correspondence in the first place.

And to tell the truth, it ocurrs to me that we shouldn't ask "iIs this writing an example of Phoenician script?". We should ask "Is this writing a descendent of Atlantean script?" and also "Is Phoenician a descendent of Atlantean script?". The Atlantean migration to Brazil was direct and not through Phoenican territory. The distance between Atlantis and the Muribeca region is where Africa and Brazil are at their closest.


So locationally you're thinking along the lines of Mauritania region across to the tip of Brazil like this?:


Yes, and if you look at a political map, you will see the City of Salvador on the Brazilian coast. The Mines of Moribeca are behind it, a bit. That will locate you in Brazil a bit.
