(1:26) Etidorhpa the End of the Earth - ROBERT SEPEHR

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Isn't it interesting that the space station "scientist", who presumably sees things that we're not allowed to see from that vantage point, is screaming out clues to hollow planets and the hollow Earth right in plain sight? He can't state this directly, but he's most certainly and definitively screaming as loud as he can without getting in trouble...

What is the latter 27:20 timestamp you have in the title for this post @deandddd?

I have no idea how that time stamp got there …

I think that I only cut and pasted the link.


In Chapter Fifteen of Etidorhpa, The guide begins the comments about a zone of light that gradually manifests at 18:50 min/secs.


As certain electrons fragment on their passage through the Earth's crust, they experience friction with strata of electricity and break up into the constituent photons of which they are composed. Thus, omnipresent light begins to manifest. This point is identified at being at ten miles or more beneath the level of the ocean"

This is good information to store away in your gray matter noodles!


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